
The most important characteristics of tree peony

Peony is a rare and precious woody flower in China, known as "The beauty of Heaven" , "the King of flowers" laudatory name, has long been regarded as a symbol of prosperity and prosperity
Morphological characteristics
The root system of tree peony is fleshy and strong, little branch and fibrous root. Plant Height 1-3m, up to 2M, old stem gray-brown, yellow-brown branches of the same year. Leaves ternate-pinnate, alternate. Single stem tip, 10-30 cm in diameter, White, yellow, pink, red, purple and multi-color, single, double, double and platform-shaped flowers. There are five sepals.

When peonies bloom
When peony blooms, can set shed cover or temporarily put indoors, avoid direct sunlight, such can lengthen Florescence, to main branch terminal bud is bud, should pick, lest be long, affect to blossom. In order to make peony bloom brightly, 0.5%-1% dihydrogen phosphate solution could be sprayed on leaves 2-3 times. After the peony flower withers, must carry on one time shaping pruning, cuts the remnant flower and the pedicel in time, does not make the seed, retains the stem 1-2 lateral buds, this may cause the plant to grow exuberantly, guarantees the next year flowering.
Peony watering is unfavorable much, winter does not water commonly. After may the weather gradually hot, if the day dry land, may moderate watering, but should be dry should not wet, soil dry before watering. During showers and plum rains, water should be prevented to prevent damage to the plants. Storms or continuous rain often harden the soil. When the ground dries after a rain, you must hold on to the loose soil. Soil aeration can be improved by loosening the soil in time. Peony root system into the soil vertically, loose soil should be deep. Loose topsoil at least 3 times a year, once after spring flowering, once after summer Meiyu season and once after autumn typhoon and rainstorm.

Peony's characteristics are "four appropriate fear" , that is, should be cold fear of freezing, should be warm fear of heat, should be light fear of shade, should be dry fear of wet. Therefore, planting peony to choose spacious ventilation, morning sunshine, fertile soil loose place, can not be planted in water, wet land, rubble land. When building a platform to plant, the size of the platform should be based on the number and size of plants, height should be based on the original topography and the height of the ground water level. General Height is 50-100 cm


How to transplant peony survival rate high

1. Nursery stock management
Some seedlings will be damaged during transportation. Before planting, the seedlings should be pruned. Depending on the degree of damage, the roots and branches should be half-cut or full-cut. After transplanting, the main branches can have sufficient nutrition supply, repair the cut of broken branches.

II. Tree planting
1, planting time: divided into Spring and autumn planting, spring specific time from mid-late March to April 20, autumn specific time from late July to early November appropriate, when the higher temperature can promote new roots.
2. Soil preparation: Peony planting should not be too wet, easy to cause root damage, bad root, so it is best to plant in high dry, well-drained, deep and loose soil in the neutral or slightly alkaline loam or Sandy Loam, in order to root deep and leafy, when it blooms, the flowers are big and bright.
3. PLANTING: Plant 30 cm deeper than the root of the original plant. At the bottom of the pit, put some decomposed organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer into the soil and stir them thoroughly to ensure that the new roots can absorb the fertilizer in time. When planting, root system should be evenly distributed in the pit, natural stretch, can not be curled together, fill with live soil will be buried root system first, and then, the seedlings gently shake up. First, the root system should be fully integrated with the soil. Second, the planting depth (the planting depth should be lower than the original root neck about 3 centimeters above the ground) should be determined. First step the first time, then fill the soil and then step the solid soil When the plant is finished, should be timely watering a pervious, in order to discharge the air in the soil, to prevent the winter cold root injury.
Post-planting management
1. Winter Management: Tree Peony is usually planted in autumn, so the first year of winter protection is more important, the main technical points are:
(1) timely watering the overwintering water and reasonable fertilization to ensure the nutrition and water required for the roots in winter. The specific time is more suitable before the soil is frozen in autumn and winter, and the amount can be more, which is helpful for the protection of Peony in winter The fertilizer uses the whole fertilizer or the compound fertilizer which sells on the market can.
(2) cut off dead, old and useless twigs in winter.
(3) winter protection (Paeonia rockii strong cold resistance, according to climatic conditions can be omitted) , Paeonia rockii strong cold resistance, generally safe winter. In order to promote the growth of the next year in the extremely cold area, the branches can be bunched up well before the winter, and the plants can be buried in soil 1 / 3 ~ 1 / 2 in the middle of October, and the whole plant can be covered with soil twice in the first ten days of November, and finally more than 10 cm above the top branches.
2. Spring Management
(1) water
The following spring when the temperature rises and stabilizes above zero, gradually withdraw the cold-proof material to make the branches and leaves stretch. At this point, the surface thawing, young branches grow quickly, such as dry ground, water supply out of joint, will cause new buds wither, old branches dead, to timely watering a pervious. After each watering, loosen the soil around the tree peony seedlings.
(2) fertilization
Peony is fond of fertilizer, fertilization is an important measure in cultivation management, to fertilize once in the spring, generally in late March to early April, when the buds grow vigorously, need a lot of nutrients to promote growth. As root damage can affect the absorption of water and fertilizer, 5% DODDO and 3% urea mixture can be used to spray fertilizer on the leaves every 7-10 days after the leaves were spread.
Spring pruning
In spring, when the new buds appear on the ground, there is a choice of shaving, so as to avoid too many branches in the future, affecting the tree type and nutrients. When the new bud grows to 10 cm or so, a few of them can be selected to keep as the main branch (commonly known as fixed stock) , and the rest can be removed. In order to make peony flower big and beautiful, often combine pruning for thinning bud, wipe bud work, so that each branch to retain a bud, the remaining bud removed, and the old branch issued by all the adventitious buds removed, in order to concentrate nutrients, flowering huge. In addition, the first year to ensure the normal growth of tree peony plants and restore healthy, need to take off bud, usually a bud. If the tree peony is planted in spring, the first year should be removed all the buds, so that the full supply of nutrients to the tree growth.
3. Summer Management
Summer is the key period of nutrient accumulation and flower bud differentiation of Peony Growth and development, and is also the period of frequent damage of diseases, insects, weeds, drought and flood. Therefore, strengthening the scientific management of peony in summer is beneficial to the healthy growth and good development of peony. The main points are as follows:

(1) irrigation and drainage
In summer, the precipitation is large and relatively concentrated, so drainage is one of the important measures for the peony pipe, and some areas often appear drought, and timely irrigation. The concrete measure of drainage is to repair the field drainage ditch in time. Low-lying areas, the Peony Garden (Pu) around the flood cofferdam to prevent heavy rain when the inflow of external ground. Large planting areas should be equipped with drainage pumps for emergency use. It can also accelerate the water loss of plough layer by deep tillage or increasing the times of tillage. Poor drainage is one of the important reasons for peony "degeneration" in rainy areas.
(2) scientific fertilization
After anthesis, apply fertilizer once in time, mainly inorganic fertilizer. The method is to apply urea and diamine on the surface of the ground, each plant should be 0.05-0.1 kg (the quantity depends on the size of the seedling eye) , the pit should be around the upper part of the root system of the seedling, and then the appropriate amount of water.
(3) pest control
Summer high temperature and high humidity, diseases and pests more serious, mainly leaf diseases and food pests. In order to prevent and control diseases and insect pests, the principle of combining prevention with control should be adhered to, so as to ensure that the leaves have a long period of photosynthetic function and improve the physiological activity of root system. One of the concrete measures is to spray leaf protective agent, about two weeks after flowering, leaf spraying 0.5% of lime equivalent bordeaux liquid, to prevent the invasion of bacteria leaves. General effect can maintain about two weeks, continuous spray 2-3 times. The dosage is about 100-150 kilograms per mu. The other is to spray fungicide. From July to August, tobrazine, Carbendazim, chlorothalonil, Triadimefon and other fungicides spray 3-4 times, generally 7-10 days a spray. The third is to kill insects. Can Be combined with spraying fungicides, in the liquid pesticides such as pyrethroid insecticides, Omethoate, and so on, to prevent and control eating pests.
(4) weeding by ploughing
Summer is the peak season for weeds. Weeds not only compete with peony for water and fertilizer, but also make the field overfull, reduce the ability of ventilation and light transmission, cause disease and insect damage, weaken photosynthesis, and affect flower bud differentiation. Intertillage can not only weed, but also keep moisture. The general summer should be ploughed 5-6 times. In some places, the method of spreading hay between plant rows is used to restrain the growth of weeds and also to keep moisture and cool down the temperature.
(5) cut bud: After the Flower Abscission, cut off remnant flower in time, in order to be advantageous to the root growth and the restoration strong.
4. Fall Management
Autumn is an important period for root growth of tree peony. Timely watering, fertilizing and reasonable pruning can ensure the rapid recovery of the next year's plant to meet the basic needs of plant growth and development throughout the year. Mainly in the late autumn plant before dormancy, apply a "root fertilizer" , a "frozen water" , more use after full maturity of compost, cake fertilizer or other compound fertilizer, fertilizer amount to be sufficient. In addition, autumn is the period when the diseases and insect pests begin to multiply. We should cut off the diseased and dead branches in time, clean up the weeds and dry branches in the park, so that there is no place for the disease and insect.


tree Peony summer management method

Summer is the key period of nutrient accumulation and flower bud differentiation of Peony Growth and development, and is also the period of frequent damage of diseases, insects, weeds, drought and flood. Therefore, strengthening the scientific management of Peony in summer is beneficial to the healthy growth and good development of peony.

1. Pests and diseases of peony
Diseases and insect pests control summer high temperature and high humidity, diseases and insect damage is more serious, mainly leaf diseases and food pests. In order to prevent and control diseases and insect pests, the principle of combining prevention with control should be adhered to, so as to ensure that the leaves have a long period of photosynthetic function and improve the physiological activity of root system. The measures are as follows:

Fungicide spray
July-august, the choice of thiophanate, Carbendazim, chlorothalonil, Triadimefon and other fungicides spray 3-4 times, generally 7-10 days a spray.
Pest control
Can Be combined with spraying fungicides, in the liquid pesticides such as pyrethroid insecticides, Omethoate, and so on, to prevent and control eating pests.

2. Drainage of peonies
The precipitation of Irrigation and drainage is large and relatively concentrated in summer, so drainage is one of the important measures for the peony pipe. Specific measures for drainage are as follows:
Do a good job in preparation for waterlogging prevention
Before entering the rainy season, the field drainage ditch should be repaired in time. In low-lying areas, a flood cofferdam should be placed around the peony garden to prevent the inflow of external ground during heavy rain. Large planting areas should be equipped with drainage pumps for emergency use.

Timely drainage
If the storm water, immediately after the organization of force, rapid drainage. It can also accelerate the water loss of plough layer by deep tillage or increasing the times of tillage.
It can eliminate the underground lamination and effectively eliminate the soil gravity water
Some peony ornamental garden as a result of mechanical extrusion in the process of capital construction, forming a solid layer of underground slab. Plowing layer water can make peony rotten roots, often lead to peony “autumn hair” , the heavy ones lead to large areas of peony withered. The utility model can dig deeper drainage ditches in the fields or drill holes between the rows to facilitate drainage. Poor drainage is one of the important reasons for peony “degeneration” in rainy areas.

3. Peony weeding
Summer is the peak season for weeds. Weeds not only compete with tree peony for water and fertilizer, but also the shortage of grass makes the field overfull, the ability of ventilation and light transmission is reduced, leading to the increase of pests and diseases, the weakening of photosynthesis, and the reduction of yield Recently, many base peony pods appear shriveled, moldy, black situation, must be timely weeding, drainage. Weeding should be done 5-6 times in summer.


The best time of year for planting peonies

There are different kinds of flowers all the year round, and peonies bloom in April. So why is September the best time to plant or sow? Let's find out today.

Peony germinates very early in spring, budding in February, leaves in March, flowers in April, and flower bud differentiation from May to September. AFTER MID-SEPTEMBER, although the growth tends to stop and gradually into dormancy, but its roots did not stop growing completely. At this time planting peony easy to produce new roots, the second year of growth, flowering normal.
Late planting, root wounds difficult to heal, early germination in the next year, but there will be upper growth, and the lower part of the raw or only a few new root phenomenon, can not provide a lot of water and nutrients for flowering, and so weak growth, or even wilting death. Some peonies planted by flower friends do not blossom for many years. The main reason is that the planting time is too late. Planting too early (before late September) is not appropriate either. Because when planting leaves have been removed, and then high temperature, this will cause "autumn hair" , affect the normal growth of the next year, flowering. Spring planting is not desirable, the folk early "spring planting peony, to the old does not bloom" .
Peony most bogey high temperature and wet, so the proposal to choose high altitude, pollution-free mountain as a cultivation base, should choose the north-south trend.
On the one hand, it can lower the temperature by 3 °C to 5 °C, which can meet the demand of peony flowering in winter
The second use of mountainous terrain is conducive to drainage and waterlogging prevention;
Third, the shading of natural trees in mountain areas can reduce the adverse effects of high-intensity sunlight on the growth of peony in summer and create a semi-shady environment with leeward wind.
This shows that, in order to watch the beautiful peony, this behind to pay so much hard work, in addition to peony fertilization, pest control is also peony planting can not be ignored.
1. Site preparation. Peony cultivation, we must choose high dry terrain, good drainage, ventilation sun block, loose soil, deep layer of Sandy Loam as well, soil neutral, try to avoid re-cropping. Before planting, 200-250 kg of cake fertilizer and 3000 kg of farm manure per mu were applied, and 3-5 kg of phoxim and 5-10 kg of Carbendazim were applied at the same time.
2. Planting. As the saying goes: "The eighth lunar month is the birthday of the Peony" , "seven Peony, eight peony. Autumn is the best season for planting peony in Luoyang. It is not suitable to be transplanted in spring, summer and winter. Practice has proved that the appropriate September 15-november 15 planting, no planting peony after the snow, including October 1-october 30 planting is most conducive to rooting and survival, too early easy "autumn hair" , too late in the year less rooting, the next growth is not exuberant. Peony production area according to 60 ~ 50 cm plant spacing, about 2000 plants per mu.
Planting requirements. Placement, 50,50,60 centimeters. When planting, the bottom of the hole pad "cooked" garden soil, can first make the central uplift 10 cm mound, so that the peony root seat in the mound, fill half or 2 / 3 gently lift the peony and shake, planting requirements to keep the peony root system uncurled evenly, peony root system and soil close contact, do not damage peony scale bud and "soil bud" , root neck slightly below or basic and ground level, and then fill with the ground level, gently compaction. After watering thoroughly, loosen the soil or seal the soil into a mound shape, in order to facilitate the winter.
3. Water drainage. Usually Water 6-8 times a year. In February, March, April, 1 water, promote growth and flowering; may-october according to weather conditions watering; before the ground freezing, 1 frozen water, improve the cold and frost resistance of Peony. The rainy season should pay attention to drainage waterlogging, prevent root rot and death.
4. Top dressing. Peony like fertilizer, in addition to foot fertilizer, fertilizer topdressing 2-3 times a year.
In spring, 15-20 kg of urea or compound fertilizer per mu can promote the growth of new branches and buds.
"fertilizer after flowering" in may-june, 10-15kg of urea or compound fertilizer per mu, supplement nutrition, promote flower bud differentiation.
Application of 2000-3000kg farm manure in December combined with winter management.
5. Loosen the soil and weed it. Generally combined with fertilization and watering, keep the soil loose and breathable, no weeds, no knot, play the role of drought and waterlogging, fertilizer and moisture preservation and control of diseases and pests.
6. Trim and trim. Methods of pruning in Production Area: Before Germination, the uncoordinated branches were cut short or retracted to keep the shape of tree in order; after Germination, the dense branches, lateral buds and soil buds were removed in time to keep strong and weak, and to keep ventilation and light;
From the middle of March to the early of May, the flower buds and the remnant flowers of some peony flowers are picked to reduce nutrient consumption, and the weak branches, diseased branches, dead branches and leaves are cut off at the end of autumn to clear the garden in time to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. Pruning methods of ornamental peony: Before Germination, some old branches were cut short or "retracted" to rejuvenate;

From mid-march to early April, the weak and abnormal buds were removed
In May, cut off flowers in time; at the End of autumn, cut off weak branches, diseased branches, dead branches, residual leaves, clear the garden and focus on burning