
Eight colors introduce paeonia rockii

Gansu paeonia rockii nursery Established in 2017 belong to Gansu Huaduoduo Agricultural Science and Technology Co. , Ltd.
have selected nearly 100 varieties peony rockii through the seedling breeding and cross breeding . According to its color ,we can divide them into eight types such as white, yellow, pink, red, purple, blue, black, multi-color , the following we introduce some part of it.
One .the white flower system
Most of wild Rockii peony are white, single type,and they are still white,but less petal after hybridization. A variety of stains in petals’ base make wild rockii special. This type of peony plants have strong adaptability and high growth rate .
1、sigle type :Xue Lian
2、Semidouble type: Pan Deng
3、Double type: Yan Wei Bai
Two.Light yellow flower system
Rockii tree peony cultivars lacking in pure yellow. Pale yellow flowers generally refers to the original flower petals are yellowish, after blooming flower petals are white
1、sigle type: Hung He
2、Semidouble type: Yellow Chrysanthemum
3、Double type: Yu Ban Xiu Qiu
Three.Pink flower system
Paeonia rockii hybrids with Zhongyuan peony, most of their filial generation are pink varieties. Pink refers to the uniform light red or pale pink. This type are strong stress resistance, middle growth potential .
1、sigle type: Yi Du Chun Qiu
2、Semidouble type: Chi Lai De Ai
3、Double type: Tao Hua Zhuang Yuan
Four.Red flower system
Nature flowers are bright red Color Mainly, other color are brown, orange, blue. grow commonly
1、sigle type: Hong Lian
2、Semidouble type:Long Yuan Hong
3、Double type: He Ping Hong Xiu Qiu
Five.Purple flower system
Purple is a color between red and black. This type of plant general growth potential is weak, the part of the varieties are not resistant to sunlight
1、sigle type: Zi Die Chu Yu
2、Semidouble type:Zi Hai Yin Bo
3、Double type: Xiang No Se Yan
Six .Blue flower system
The color of blue rockii peony approximate lilac’s color. This variety growth potential is strong, easy divided plant and breeding
1、sigle type: Lan He Qi Ming
2、Semidouble type:  Lan Hai Feng Yun
3、Double type: Lan Xiu Qiu
Seven.Black flower system
Black is refers to deep purple appear black halo, in the shade this condition are more obvious. performance more fully. This type of plant growth potential is weak, hard to breeding
1、sigle type: Ye Guang Bei
2、Double type: Mo Yun
Eight .multi- color flower system
Multi-color flower is refers to a flower has two or more colors, with different form combination. This kind of flower adaptability is strong, grow stronger
1、sigle type: Ri Yue Tong Hui
2、Double type: He Ping Er Qiao


four points to be paid attention to when tree peony blooms in greenhouse

Peony beautiful color, romantic chic, magnificent, known as the “King of flowers” reputation. The peony flower is big and fragrant, therefore also has “the national color day fragrance” the name. Here is the introduction of peony planting greenhouse flower.
The Flower Buds of Paeonia Suffruticosa are formed in autumn. If the suitable temperature and light are given, the buds can sprout and blossom again. In winter, man-made measures to raise temperature and increase light in greenhouses and plastic greenhouses can be used to make peony bloom during New Year’s Day and Spring Festival. The main management techniques are described below.

1.Planting time of peony
Greenhouse forcing flower, as long as the appropriate method, temperature, sunlight and water appropriate, generally about 45 days can blossom, so potted time can be in accordance with the requirements of flowering time.
Initial management of Tree Peony planting
In spring, the peony grows and blooms in the field from low temperature to high temperature. In the greenhouse, it should be controlled from low temperature to high temperature according to its growth habit. The pre-stage temperature is usually 10 °C to 14 °C in the daytime and 6 °C to 8 °C in the evening. After 7 days, the temperature can be controlled at 14 °C to 16 °C in the daytime and 10 °C to 12 °C in the evening. Keep this temperature, pot about 10 days, Bud can germinate; 15 days can bud. Because indoor relative humidity is big, sprinkle a little water 1 to 2 times a day can satisfy the moisture content that the plant needs.
2.Mid-term management of Tree Peony planting
The temperature of peony can be raised to 16 °C to 18 °C in the daytime and 12 °C to 14 °C in the evening. During this period, the flower bud is very sensitive to the sudden change of temperature, often due to the young bud resistance is poor, and abortion, so indoor temperature to maintain relative stability.
After about 28 days, the plant enters the “leaf-unfolding stage” . Temperatures can rise to 18 °C to 20 °C during the day and 14 °C to 16 °C at night. During this period in addition to light sprinkle 2 times a day, but also depending on the degree of dry and wet basin, every 2 to 3 days once a pervious watering. At the same time, can be appropriate spraying foliar fertilizer.
After 35 days or so, bud entered the “peace bud period” . The Flower Bud resistance ability enhances, to the temperature fluctuation gradually adapts, the daytime temperature maintains in 16 °C to 22 °C or so. In order to prevent stem rot, it can be combined with foliar fertilization, spraying 600 to 800 times liquid of Ralstonia Solanacearum or 50 times liquid of 10% methyl thiophanate wettable powder.

3.Late management of tree peony planting
Forty-two days later, bud entered the “bloom phase” , opening in two to three days. The plants can be moved out of the greenhouse according to the number of flowerpots needed and the time required for flowering. At the same time, the plants which are not in use for the time being are kept in a cold chamber at 2 °C to 4 °C, and are removed after 10 to 20 days, they can still blossom normally.

4.Light Regulation of peony planting
Peony is a long sunshine plant, flower buds in the long sunshine formation, in the long sunshine flowering. Therefore, when overcast days are more, the illumination is insufficient when should make up artificially the light source.


5 steps for tree Peony Export

1.Classification of seedlings for export irrigation.

1. the same species, the same size of the seedlings together to prevent the seedlings in the process of washing varieties and
Mess Up. Only the same breed of seedlings together with the same specifications, even if the breed was washed away, but also to ensure the accuracy of the breed.
2 check the variety of seedlings brand is solid, for the weak to re-hang, to prevent washing process was washed off.
3)The time between the emergence of the seedlings from the ground and the soaking of the seedlings should not exceed 20 minutes, and should be carried out in a shaded field to prevent the seedlings from losing water.
2. Rinse

1 Wash one variety, one specification, and then another variety to prevent confusion.
2 the first flush of the seedlings for full immersion, to be soft after the soil bubble for flushing.
3In the process of washing with a washing machine from the top of the plant to the roots to be completely washed clean, not a bit of soil and debris. At the same time, the flushing pressure can not be too large to prevent the peony root of the skin washed off.
4Pay Particular attention to removing the black skin between the roots and branches. But to prevent the damage of the EPIDERMIS, damage to the XYLEM, affect the quality of seedlings. (the water pressure adjustment of the spray gun is a strong guarantee not to damage the roots. The water droplets should be dispersed, not columnar.)
5 The time between soaking and rinsing should not exceed 10 minutes.
3. Root pruning

1Carefully Prune the washed seedlings
Dead, excess, and washed-out shoots should be removed, as should sprout buds. For the emergence of mechanical wounds, broken roots, bad roots to cut off, the wound must be flat.
2, in the trim at the same time to carefully observe the seedlings, check for pests and diseases, as soon as found to report to the company.
3The time of pruning seedlings should not exceed 10 minutes, immediately covered after pruning to prevent seedlings from losing water.Such as air temperature Above 20 °C, spray the seedlings every 20 minutes.
4.Disinfection and cleaning

1 Mix chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl into 500 times solution, stir it thoroughly to make the solution even.
2 the peony seedlings into the disinfection solution for disinfection, to record the time, every 10 minutes to turn over. Soak enough
Take it out in 40 minutes. Record the withdrawal time. Every time after soaking to add drugs in the liquid medicine, the amount of addition for dispensing
1 / 10th, mix well. In order to continue the next disinfection, otherwise the concentration of liquid medicine is not enough.
3The seedlings should be washed immediately after washing, the time between should not exceed 5 minutes.
4 after disinfection of the seedlings into clear water to wash fully, wash away the residual drugs.
5Make a bundle of 5 plants for each of the plants that have been washed.
6 The time between washing and binding of the seedlings shall not exceed 10 minutes.
7 Store the washed seedlings in a sterile finished product warehouse and cover them immediately. So the seedlings are rinsed and disinfected
The process is complete. The next step is fumigation. 8. The time between the completion of washing and disinfection of the seedlings and the commencement of fumigation shall not exceed 2 days. The seedlings can be fumigated in batches for a long time.
5. Fumigation

1Cover the fumigated area with a clean plastic film, 10 grams of 56% aluminum phosphide tablets per square meter (wrapped in Gauze) and 1 meter high peony seedlings (the peony seedlings should be moistened with water to prevent the seedlings from losing water during fumigation)
Then 56% aluminium phosphide tablets 10g per square metre (wrapped with gauze) and 1M peonies. And release the aluminum phosphide... until the peonies are done.
2 Cover the peony seedlings tightly with plastic film.
3The fumigation time should be decided according to the air temperature, at 12 ~ 15 °C, Fumigate for 3 days, at 16 ~ 20 °C, fumigate for 2 days, above 20 °C, fumigate for 1 day. After fumigation and ventilation for 1 to 2 days, the gas can be completely eliminated, leaving a small amount of residue that is non-toxic, Aluminum hydroxide.
4Be careful when using aluminum phosphide aluminum monophosphide. The key to safe use of aluminium phosphide is that people and animals must leave the site during the fumigation of peony. Only after ventilation is completed can you touch the seedlings.
5. After fumigating, the peony shoots can be packed in boxes


4 skills of daily management of tree peony

Peony cultivation of small skills is mainly to the peony watering fertilization, as well as peony soil must add bottom fertilizer. So that the peony can grow better and faster. The flowers bloom more vigorously. If your peonies are not blooming, you may not have completed the vernalization process.

1.Peony in bloom, can not accept the sun exposure, must be appropriate shade. If exposed to the sun for a long period of time, this will lead to greatly shorten the peony flowering period. And the blooming flowers will lose their luster. Will reduce the ornamental peony.

In the Spring Festival, although the temperature has risen, but there will be low temperature weather. Does this have anything to do with moving the peony. Peony blooms normally between April and May, depending on the temperature of maintenance. If the peony once encountered the low temperature, it will stop growing, or even die.

Peony itself is a fleshy root, more afraid of water. In the cultivation of peony flowers, if there is a situation of water. It is easy to make its root rot, this will affect the growth of peony flowers and flowering. When watering peony flowers, be sure to pay attention to the amount of water. Just keep the soil moist.

2.The optimum growing temperature for peony flowers is between 15 °C and 25 °C. If the temperature is above 30 degrees, the peony will affect the growth. The condition of making its leaves yellow or even dry. If the temperature is below 10 °C. The peony will stop growing. If the temperature is below 0 °c, the peony will die.

Peony is easy to suffer the harm of cold current in spring, potted peony should be transplanted into greenhouse. If the peony is watered too much, the root will be injured and the growth of the tree will become fragile. That’s what happens. Long Leaf Bud, not long flower bud. This will affect the flowering of the peony.

3.The first year of planting peony, peony flowering is a lot of nutrients, the need to add basic fertilizer in the pot soil. To make it nutritious enough to grow. This is very important for the flowering of peony. If you just let me do my job. In this way, the peony grows more vigorously.

4.Peony is the most important vernalization, if the peony has not undergone vernalization, is unable to blossom. In winter the peony is kept indoors at about 5 degrees. Where there’s plenty of light. Do not put the peony into the heating room or air conditioning room, so not only can not complete vernalization.


do you know how to prune peonies in winter

In winter, the tree peony is in a dormant state. Pruning at this time has no adverse effect on the tree peony and is beneficial to the rejuvenation and flowering of the next year. To get rid of weak and strong, that is to leave three main branches per plant and three side branches per main branch, so as to not only strengthen the seedlings, but also ensure the light permeability of the plants, so as to achieve high yield.

Management and pruning are important for both ornamental and oil peonies. The tree peony branches are well pruned and grow well. Ornamental Peony will highlight its ornamental value, oil peony will increase seed yield, increase economic returns.
Ornamental peonies are based on transparent ventilation, more sunlight means more branches, and suitable tree types are suitable for pruning. Should be first cut after the bar, to bend stay straight, to weak stay strong (sparse bud) . There are mainly single-bar type, upright type, open type, spherical type and creeping type of five types of tree for reference.

The erect Tree Peony Leaves 3-4 branches, leaves off dead branches, diseased branches, long branches, thinning and thinning branches, the main branch less than 1 / 5 of the bud treatment, in order to ensure the health of the main branch, promote the formation of flower buds.
The branches of open peony stand obliquely, the height can reach about 1.2-1.3 M. Generally more than 10 branches thin, easy to bend. Should reduce, go fine stay thick, keep in 6-7 or so appropriate.
The peonies are Bulbous, with roots visible but rounded at the top. Generally stay about 6, to old branches, dead branches, bare long branches, make branches multiple new branches.

Single Tree Peony growth situation is good when the height can reach 1m, the top branches such as umbrella, pavilion such as cover. Trim 1 / 3 and Leave 2 / 3.
Peony Buds are generally divided into terminal buds, lateral buds and leaf buds.
Care should be taken that the cut is straight, round and flat. It should not be cut in the shape of a horseshoe and that side and main branches are not pitted. Remove dead leaves, which still need water and evaporate quickly, so removing them in winter will allow the plant to fully hibernate. The leaves should be removed from the bottom up to avoid injury to the flower buds.


Autumn Planting Peony Spring View Flower, peony why can only fall species, you know?

Peony flowers enjoy the “king of flowers” reputation, when the flowers are bright-coloured huge, rich fragrance, on behalf of prosperity and prosperity. Perhaps had peony flower person but, but had not heard the peony big name person, should be very few.
Autumn is a good time to plant peonies, many people like peonies, but do not know much about Paeonia Suffruticosa, such as when to plant peonies, when to bloom?
When does the Peony Bloom?
The peony flower is similar to the peony flower, but the peony is a kind of perennial woody flower. The normal flowering period is in April and May of each year. With the improvement of planting technology, there are also many catalytic peonies. The artificial regulated flowering period is in full bloom during the spring and Autumn Period To brighten up the holidays. However, the second year of catalytic peony more difficult to bloom, the relative cultivation will be much more difficult.
If you like peonies, I suggest you plant one in the fall, and it will bloom in April or May next year, and the management of peonies is very simple

Why in the fall?
There are many differences between peony and other potted flowers. The growing characteristics determine that peony flowers are suitable for transplanting only in autumn
The root system of peony flowers grows in autumn, and the germination is in spring, that is to say, the fall peony leaves into dormancy, but the underground root system is growing rapidly, so the autumn transplant peony, peony root system can quickly recover As the peony buds are in a dormant state, nutrition consumption is small, so will not affect the growth of peony buds.
But if you wait until spring to transplant peony, peony flower root growth is no longer, or very slow growth, and peony flower bud is in rapid growth, need to consume a lot of nutrients, this time it is easy to appear malnutrition Non-flowering phenomenon. There will be new peony flower leaves deformed, smaller, in fact, is due to poor root growth, malnutrition caused.