
How to protect tree peonies in winter

1. Peony must be moved indoors after the beginning of winter. It is better to keep the room temperature at 0 degrees. Put the peony in a sunny place to ensure the peony can be exposed to the sun. Move Out of the house around March next year and place in a sunny leeward area, fertilize and water management.
2. If the tree peony plants are more and more dense, the potted tree peony can also be buried in the soil. The exposed branches should be protected by grass thatch to keep the tree peony warm and safe for the winter The coming of the next spring can be removed grass thatch, the peony into the sunny place, a few more times of fertilizing.
3. The flowers and seedlings will lose their leaves in autumn and winter, when you have to cut off the remaining branches, the dense branches and the branches with diseases and insect pests. This will not only ensure ventilation and light transmission between the plants It also concentrates the nutrients in the pot onto the remaining plants.
The management of Peony in winter is mainly the control of temperature. The indoor temperature can not be too high, which will affect the normal development of peony, nor can the temperature be too low. Whether the peony will blossom in the coming year will have a great influence Winter peonies do not need to be watered much during the dormant period.
After the peony enters the winter dormancy period, the nutrients begin to return to the roots. It is better to irrigate once before the soil freezes, that is, in winter. Watering the frozen water well can promote the decomposition of the Basal Fertilizer, and is beneficial to the new root occurrence and the flower bud differentiation in winter and spring.


Five techniques of winter maintenance and management of peony

1. Defoliation. Leaves dry in winter, often on branches. Because there are many bacteria and insects on the leaves eggs, it should be cut off in time, so as not to fall to the ground, the next year to spread diseases and insects. The dead leaves should be cut off at the base of the Petiole from 1 to 1.5 cm to avoid damage to the flower buds. For the leaves that are easy to fall off after separation, pull them out by hand. Dead leaves that have been cut off or plucked should be burned.
2. Prune. Peonies are dormant in the winter, when it's time to Prune. On the premise of keeping the shape of the plant perfectly, the budding branches from the ground around the main branch and the overlapping branches, crossed branches and diseased branches on the plant should be cut off. The strong branches with flower buds should be kept completely; the branches with Leaf Buds but without flower buds should be cut off only the thin branches, while retaining part of the thicker branches. In short, the tree peony tree branches to make the appropriate length and density, easy to ventilate light.

3. Fertilize. Peony is like fat flowers and trees, winter dormancy period even if more fertilizer applied, it will not produce the phenomenon of burning roots. But in order to be safe, fertilization should be half-decomposed cake fertilizer or human excrement and urine. Each tree from 6 to 10 years old can be applied cake fertilizer 300 grams or 600 grams of human excrement and urine. The amount of fertilizer applied to big tree peony should be increased appropriately. In the case of organic fertilizer-based, each tree peony can also be mixed with 30 to 50 grams of compound fertilizer. Fertilization should be carried out in shallow holes dug 10 cm apart from the main root of the peony at 20-25 cm.
4. Pest control. The common diseases of tree peony are gray mold and brown spot. In winter, the whole plant can be controlled by spraying the mixture of Pomerol 5 and thiophanate 800 times. The most serious pests to the peony are scale blowers and GRUBS (scarabs larvae) . For the control of Hemiberlesia Rugosa, all the insect bodies on the branches can be scraped off and burned off with bamboo knife, and then the branches can be smeared with a mixture of bomay 3-5 degree lime and sulfur, which can kill most of the overwintering females and eggs. Omethoate or DDVP 500-800 solution can be used to control Grub by pouring peony root.

5. Weed out overwintering weeds. In winter, cold-resistant weeds are often found in peony garden or potted Peony Pot, which should be removed in time to avoid competing with peony for nutrients. It is better to deeply hoe the planting area of peony once or twice, which can not only clear the weeds, but also play the role of soil loosening and soil moisture preservation, which is beneficial to the over-wintering of peony.


Annual Cycle and growth characteristics of Paeonia ROCKII

1. Basic features of the annual cycle
The annual cycle is the growth and development law of the four seasons of a year along with the change of the climatic rhythm. Peonies, like other trees with flowers, constitute the whole life cycle (life cycle) by alternating annual cycles of growth and dormancy, year after year. The annual cycle of Paeonia Rockii, like that of Central Plain peonies, is also spring germination, summer napping, autumn long roots, and winter dormancy. However, due to the high altitude, low temperature and short frost-free period, its growing period is slightly shorter than that of Central Plain peonies The dormancy period is relatively prolonged. For example, in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, Central Plain peonies generally begin to sprout from mid-february to early March, show their leaves from late March to early April, flower from mid-april to early May, and wither from late October to Mid-november However, Paeonia ROCKII generally germinates from late March to early April, blooms from late April to early June, and has a short growing period from mid October to early November.

2. Types of buds and their developmental characteristics
The buds of Paeonia Rockii are covered with several scales of buds, which belong to scale buds. In nature, there are two types of buds: Leaf Buds, which grow only to form branches and leaves, and mixed buds, which produce flowers at the same time. On the adult plant, almost all shoot tip 1-3 buds, including the Terminal Bud and the lower axillary bud, normally developed into mixed buds in the current year, after winter dormancy, the next year can bloom; Only a few of the long shoots and buds on the buds for leaf bud, only long branches and no flower bud formation. In addition to the above-mentioned active buds, a number of axillary buds at the base of the 1-year-old branch, buds on the perennial branch and a large number of sprout buds formed at the root and stem parts are dormant, belonging to the inactive leaf buds, called dormant buds. The whole process from Bud primordium to flowering and fruiting of mixed shoots of Paeonia Rockii, like that of Paeonia Suffruticosa Var. Central Plain, takes three years to complete. The first annual cycle produced axillary BUD Primordia, the second annual cycle produced leaf Primordia and flower Primordia, the third annual cycle flowering and fruiting (Wang Zongzheng et Al. 1987) . In the annual growth cycle, the process of Bud Germination, growth and flowering in early spring is actually the 3rd annual cycle of mixed bud of the mother generation, while the process of bud differentiation and formation after flowering is the 2nd annual cycle of Bud Development Meanwhile, a new bud primordium was produced in the leaf axils, and the first annual cycle of the next generation buds was completed. Therefore, in the 1-year cycle of peony, the buds of 3 generations are in different stages of their life cycle, and the buds in the 2-year cycle are the key to the formation of flower buds When the accumulation of nutrients and appropriate flowering hormone, complete from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, the formation of mixed buds.

The complete formation of leaf primordium is the critical point of peony bud from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, which is also the critical point of flower bud differentiation (Wang Zongzheng et Al. 1987) . Bud Development into the flower bud stage, including the summer and autumn flower bud differentiation (2nd Annual Cycle) and spring flower development (3rd annual Cycle) two interrelated and independent stages. The Flower Bud differentiation of Paeonia ROCKII began about 1 month after anthesis, that is, from the middle of June, the flower Primordium, bract Primordium, sepal primordium, petal primordium, stamen primordium and Pistil primordium were successively produced on the basis of axillary Bud primordium Finally, it gradually enters the dormancy period after October. The process of flower bud differentiation is also different with different varieties, especially with different flower types. Generally, single and semidouble varieties have faster flower bud differentiation, while double varieties have longer duration But can complete the flower organ's occurrence in that year, enters the dormancy state smoothly. Therefore, flower bud differentiation had been completed in the autumn of that year. After cold dormancy in winter, flower buds developed further in the following spring. The process of Stamen petalization is a very complicated one, which has a direct effect on the formation of the final flower type. The stamen primordium of Paeonia Rockii is centrifugal, but the stamen petalization can be centrifugal, centripetal or irregular in different varieties.