
When will the peony seeds be sown? When will the seedlings come out?

There are many varieties of Paeonia suffruticosa, and the propagation methods are different for different varieties and cultivation purposes. Single Petal, many seeds, roots developed, thick root skin, high yield, good quality, multi-use seed reproduction. Peony in Gansu and other places for ornamental purposes, double large and beautiful flowers, more non-seed, more use of asexual reproduction.

The propagation of Paeonia Rockii is mainly by seed propagation in nature. Seed propagation is sexual propagation, which refers to the use of peony seeds to reproduce seedlings, the seedlings produced by seeding seedlings or seedlings, is one of the most common propagation methods. Seeds are the product of pollination and fertilization, and have the genetic characteristics of their parents. The seedlings produced are robust, resistant and adaptable It can be widely used in landscape greening and even in barren hills in arid, cold and poor soil areas. At the same time, the seedlings often have complex character variation, thus creating conditions for breeding new varieties. Paeonia ROCKII has a strong seed-setting ability, thus laying a foundation for seed propagation. Because the method is simple and the propagation coefficient is large, the seeds can be used to propagate Paeonia Rockii for planting seeds and seedlings, medicine cultivation, oil cultivation and new variety breeding.
1. Seed Reproduction, selection of disease-free healthy plants, in July and August, when the fruit is yellow crab picked in batches, spread indoor cool damp ground, often turn, until most of the shell cracking, sieve out seeds Choose a large, plump seed and sow it immediately. If can not sow in time, should pile up with wet sandy soil layer by layer in shady and cool place. The fresh seeds were soaked in 50 °C warm water for 24-30 hours before sowing in Gansu Province, which made the seed coat soft and degummed, expanded by absorbing water and easy to germinate. In some areas, soaking seeds with Gibberellin (25PPm) for 2-4 hours before sowing can improve germination rate and help to cultivate strong seedlings. Sowing and seedling raising from mid-august to early September, sowing in drill or on demand. Drill, according to the row spacing 25 cm transverse ditch, ditch depth 5 cm, sowing about 10 cm, each ditch sowing mixed with the seeds of wet plant ash 100-150, and then covered with fine soil 3 cm, and finally grass. Each mu is planted with 30-50 kilograms. On demand, row spacing 30 cm, plant spacing 20 cm, dig round Hole, hole depth 4-6 cm, hole bottom to flat, the hole into the decomposed manure, and then each hole evenly sow 4-5 seeds, covered with fine soil about 4 cm, then covered with grass about 4 cm thick To protect against the cold. The amount of seed sown per mu is about 50 kg. Should pay attention to watering in case of drought.
If properly managed, the seedlings will be ready for planting in the second year. Young plants can not be transplanted until the third year.

2.Seedlings are transplanted from September to October of the 2nd year. The large and small seedlings should be planted separately for easy management. On the ground in good line spacing 4050 cm, 20 cm deep hole, 20-25 cm long, the hole dozen into high, low slope, from high gradually low. After the bottom of the hole is cut flat, each hole planting seedlings 1 or 2, banked soil, gently raised seedlings, so that the roots and soil close contact, and then add soil slightly higher than the border surface, gently compacted. In Tongling, Anhui Province, you put cake fertilizer or human excrement and urine, and then you cover it with soil. When transplanting, pay attention to the root to stretch, do not curl. Each mu can be planted seedlings 3000-5000 points.

Different from other peonies, Paeonia ROCKII has thick petals, strong fragrance, tall plants, strong growth, cold resistance, less pests, long life, high medicinal value and wide adaptability. Paeonia ROCKII can be used in the construction of Peony Garden, Villa landscaping, landscape, agricultural ecological park construction. In addition to its ornamental and medicinal value, Paeonia rockii seeds can be used to extract edible oils and essential oils, and petals and stamens can be used to make tea, food, beverages, dried flowers and extract essences for cosmetics. In addition, the branches, leaves, flowers and fruits of Paeonia Rockii all contain rich medicinal ingredients such as Paeonol and Paeoniflorin, which can be used to extract medicine instead of digging roots to get medicine in the past. It can also be used in large areas for returning farmland to forests and afforestation In order to further protect the ecological environment.
What we can do is to help you choose a good variety of peony, do a good planting plan, suggest the best planting time, do a good job of pre-preparation, improve the survival rate of seedlings, reduce the cost of tube protection. In the lowest cost to complete the work of planting tube protection, cost reduction is profit, there will be economic benefits.


About China TreePeony You Need To Know These Knowledge

Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. Is a deciduous shrub of the genera ranunculaceae and Paeonia. Stem up to 2 m tall; branches short and thick. Leaves usually bi-ternate, surface green, glabrous, abaxially Pale Green, sometimes white-powdery, Petiole 5-11 cm long, and Rachis glabrous. Flowers Solitary; Bracts 5, Oblong; sepals 5, Green, broadly ovate, petals 5 or double, rose, red-purple, pink-white, usually highly variable, obovate, apex irregularly undulate; anthers Oblong, 4 mm long; Disk leathery, cup-shaped, purple-red; carpels 5, densely pilose. Something something oblong, densely covered with Yellowish Brown bristles. Flowering May; fruiting June.
Beautiful flowers, Yuxiao Zhuxiang, romantic chic, magnificent, known as the "King of flowers" reputation. In the cultivated type, mainly according to the flower color, peony varieties can be divided into hundreds of varieties, color is also many, to yellow, green, red, deep red, silver red as the top grade, especially yellow, green for your.
History of botany
Tang Dynasty Liu Yuxi has a poem said: "before the Court Peony Monster Without Lattice, the Pond Lotus net less feeling. Only the peony true national color, flower season move capital. ". At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the peony was once regarded as the national flower of China. In May 1985, the peony was named the second of the ten famous flowers in China. It has a history of thousands of years of natural growth and more than 1500 years of artificial cultivation. It is widely cultivated in China and has been introduced all over the world. Peony flowers are hailed as the king of flowers, related to cultural and painting works are very rich
In Sui Dynasty, the number and scope of peony cultivation began to expand gradually, then the Royal Gardens and the garden of dignitaries and dignitaries have begun to introduce cultivation of peony, and initially formed a concentrated viewing scene. "Sui Zhi Su Wen pian" said: "Qingming five-time Peony China. " This is enough to show that peony as ornamental plants are larger scale. According to the record of the sea mountains of the Tang Dynasty, "the emperor of the Sui Dynasty set aside 200 Li for the West Garden (now Luoyang Xiyuan Park area) , and ordered the world into flowers, Yi County into 20 boxes of peony, there are he hong, Feihong, Yuan Jiahong, Drunk Yanhong, Yunhong, infrared, a whisk of yellow, soft yellow, Yan 'an yellow, first spring red, trembling Fengjiao... ". .. Come on. Come on The cultivation of peonies in the Western Garden of the Sui capital was related to Emperor Yang of Sui's extensive collection of exotic folk flowers and herbs.
During the Tang Dynasty, social stability and economic prosperity. The peony of Chang'an, the capital of Tang Dynasty, has developed rapidly on the basis of introducing the peony of Luoyang. Peonies had already been planted by a florist. According to Liu Zongyuan "Dragon City record" records: "Song single father, good peony species, where peony variety, red and white color, people can not know its art, Emperor Emperor Xuanzong of Tang called to Mount Li, plant peony million copies, different colors. "artists at that time" because of social constraints, forced by life, the master of the "stunt" is not external. Therefore, the single father of the Song Peony Planting "stunt" so that future generations "can not know its technique. However, from "plant peony 10,000(plants) , color samples are different" point of view, peony cultivation technology has reached a very high level.
In the Tang Dynasty, peony planting was very popular in the imperial court, the rich family courtyard and the folk. According to the notes of Du Yang, "高宗 feasted his court on two-headed peonies" . According to the Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang, "in front of the Palace of Emperor Mouzon, peonies were planted, and the flowers began to smell fragrant. " . "Drama Tan Lu" contains: "Cien Temple Bath Hall has two flowers, every six hundred flowers, fragrance, less than. At that time, the reason that stimulated the development of peony planting industry was not only that peony was loved by many people, but also had certain ornamental value and higher economic value. "Tang history supplement" contains: "Race for profit, there are tens of thousands of value. In the Tang Dynasty under a large number of cultivation, breeding out a large number of varieties, so that the degree of petalization of peony, flower pattern and color increased.
In terms of cultivation, the Tang Dynasty has begun to try peony fumigation experiments, according to "things of the original" records: "Wu Hou Zhao Yuan, all flowers open, peony alone late, then demoted in Luoyang. Although this is a legend, but can be analyzed from the "peony alone late" the reason is that people have not really mastered its growth law and caused the failure of fumigation, so that it can not be placed with other flowers.
As the Luoyang of the Tang Dynasty, from the early Tang Dynasty to the later Tang Dynasty of the five dynasties and ten kingdoms, the peony planting industry was constantly developing, and its scale was no less than that of Chang'an. According to the song "different records of the Qing Dynasty" records: "after Tang Zhuangzong built Linfang Hall in Luoyang, in front of the palace plant more than 1,000 copies of peony, there are 100 medicine immortal, Moon palace flower, Xiao Huangjiao, Snow Lady, Pink Nu Xiang, Xianggong Penglai, egg heart yellow, royal clothes red, Purple Dragon Cup, three purple and other varieties.
In the Song Dynasty, the Peony Cultivation Center was moved from Chang'an to Luoyang. The cultivation technique was more systematic and perfect. The study of peony was greatly improved, and a number of theoretical monographs appeared. Among them are Ouyang Xiu's Luoyang Peony Story, Zhou Shihou's Luoyang Peony story, Luoyang Huamu story, Zhang's Luoyang Huamu story and so on. This paper deals with the cultivation and management of Tree Peony, including site selection, flowering, watering, bud retention, Pest Control, frost prevention, grafting and breeding, and sums up a complete set of mature experience. Ouyang Xiu's "Luoyang Peony Records" contains: "To plant flowers must choose a good place, do away with soil, in order to fine soil with the end of a catty of" , "ampelopsis can kill insects, this kind of flower method is also" . "Luoyang Huamuji" contains: "where planted peony should not be too deep, deep roots are not good, and flowers do not flourish, to sore mouth (rhizome junction) level soil surface for good. It can be seen that at that time, the cultivation of peony is very strict, from site selection to planting is very fastidious, this may be one of the reasons that Luoyang Peony can top the world.
In the Northern Song Dynasty, Luoyang peonies were on an unprecedented scale. At that time, Luoyang people not only love flowers, flowers, more good at cultivating new varieties, peony "not good" , they use grafting method fixed bud and good varieties, this is the Northern Song Dynasty the most outstanding contribution.
In the southern Song Dynasty, the Peony Cultivation Center moved from Luoyang and Kaifeng in the north to Tianpeng (Sichuan Pengzhou) , Chengdu and Hangzhou in the south. In these areas, the better varieties from the north were first introduced and cross-bred (natural cross-bred) with a small number of local varieties, and then by means of grafting and sowing, from them, more and better ecotype varieties suitable for southern climatic conditions were selected. The Tree Peony of Tianpeng, written by Lu You, describes more than 70 varieties of Luoyang tree peony. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the cultivation of Chinese peonies was extended to Bozhou in Anhui, Caozhou in Shandong, Beijing, Sien in Guangxi and Hezhou in Heilongjiang. "A chronicle of the Pine Desert" tells the story of peony cultivation from Heilongjiang to Liaodong. For more than 200 years, the rich family lived in the garden and planted as many as 300 or 200 tree peonies. According to "Si 'en county records" records: "Si 'en peony out of Luoyang, more residential planting, High Shu Zhang, and Beijing flowers phase Yan, its place name Small Luoyang. This shows that at that time the peony north to Heilongjiang, south to Guangxi. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were more writings about peony, Xue Fengxiang summarized scientifically from the aspects of Peony's seed, planting, distribution, grafting, watering, cultivation, medicine and taboo. There were 169 ancient and contemporary varieties in the annals of Luoyang County compiled during the reign of Ganlong.
In the Qing Dynasty, smoked flowers were very popular According to "Caozhou peony-seven notes to the appendix" , "the right Anmenwai Caoqiao, its northern soil near the spring residents to plant flowers as an industry, the winter is warm Huoxun, mid-october, peony into the imperial court. According to "five miscellaneous" contained: "The royal migration often have timely flowers, however, are stored in the cellar, surrounded by fire to force it, in the middle of winter there are peony poached, the way its labor, a few dozen gold. At this time the flower technology has reached a considerable level, this technology is still in use.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the planting industry of Peony has been resumed and developed. Luoyang, Heze and other places have established Peony Professional Scientific Research Institutions-peony Institute. On the basis of previous cultivation and management, the cultivation technique of tree peony has been developed. At the same time, China also published a number of high academic value monographs, such as Liu Shumin et Al's peony, Yu Heng's peony flower, Wei Zepu et Al's Luoyang Peony and so on. On the basis of previous studies, these works have been further enriched and developed, and made some new theoretical exploration.
Peony is not only the Chinese people's favorite flower, but also by the world's people cherish. More than 20 countries, including Japan, France, the United Kingdom, the United States, Italy, Australia, Singapore, North Korea, the Netherlands, Germany and Canada, have planted peonies Among them, the number of cultivars and cultivation of peony in Japan, France, England and the United States is the largest.
The Overseas Peony Horticultural varieties, originally all come from China. As early as 724-749 A. D. , Chinese peonies were introduced into Japan and are said to have been brought there by Kūkai. Between 1330 and 1850, the French bred a large number of introduced Chinese peonies, producing many horticultural varieties. The 1656, the Netherlands and the east India Company introduced Chinese peonies to the Netherlands, and in 1789 the British introduced Chinese peonies, which spread across Europe and produced more than 100 horticultural varieties. The United States in 1820-1830, the introduction of Chinese peony varieties and wild species, later cultivated a black flower peony varieties
Morphological Characteristics
Peonies are deciduous shrubs. Stem up to 2 m tall; branches short and thick. Leaves usually twice trifoliate, occasionally 3-foliolate near Shoot Apex; Terminal Leaflets broadly ovate, 7-8 cm long, 5.5-7 cm wide, 3-lobed to middle, lobes unlobed or 2-3-lobed, surface green, glabrous, abaxially Pale Green, sometimes white-powdery, leaf veins sparsely pubescent or subglabrous, petiolules 1.2-3 cm long; lateral leaflets narrowly ovate or oblong-ovate, 4.5-6.5 cm long, 2.5-4 cm wide, unequal 2-to 3-lobed or undivided, subsessile; Petiole 5-11 cm long, and Leaf axis are glabrous.
Flowers Solitary; apex of branches, 10-17 cm in Diam. ; Pedicel 4-6 cm; bracts 5, Oblong, unequal in size; sepals 5, Green, broadly ovate, unequal in size; Petals 5, or double, rose, red-purple, pink-white, usually highly variable, obovate, 5-8 cm long, 4.2-6 cm wide, apex irregularly undulate; Stamens 1-1.7 cm long, filaments purplish red, pink, upper white, Ca. 1.3 cm long, anthers oblong, 4 mm long; Lathe faceplate leathery, cup-shaped, purplish red Apex with several sharp teeth or Lobes, completely enveloping carpels, dehiscing when carpels are mature; carpels 5, more sparse, densely pilose. Something something oblong, densely covered with Yellowish Brown bristles. Flowering May; fruiting June

Growth Habit
Sex likes a warm, cool, dry, sunny environment. Like the Sun, but also half-yin, cold, drought resistance, Alkali Resistance, bogey water, afraid of heat, afraid of direct sunlight. Suitable for loose, deep, fertile, high dry terrain, good drainage in the neutral sand loam growth. Poor growth in acidic or clayey soils.
Sufficient sunlight is beneficial to its growth, but it is not resistant to summer sun exposure, the temperature above 25 °C will make the plant dormant. The optimum temperature for flowering is 17-20 °C, but before flowering, it must be treated by 1-10 °C for 2-3 months. The lowest tolerance-30 °C of low temperature, but the northern cold zone in winter to take appropriate precautions to avoid frost damage. The high temperature and high humidity weather in the south is very unfavorable to the growth of peony, therefore, the cultivation of peony in the south needs to give its specific environmental conditions in order to enjoy the wonderful peony flowers

Four steps for planting tree peony wiht high survive rate

1. First, the soil is sterilized
Sun Disinfection: spread the soil flat on the floor or on a wooden board and expose it to the sun for 2-3 days, turning over the soil; medicine disinfection: Commonly used medicaments are Formalin, potassium permanganate, iron(2+) sulfate (anhydrous) , thiophanate. Spread it out to 20 centimeters, then spray it on (match according to instructions)
2.Most shipments are made with bare roots (Moss for moisture retention) , so after we get the plants, we also need to sterilize the roots, prepare medicaments, such as potassium hypermanganate, Carbendazim or chlorothalonil, and dilute them in appropriate proportions (or natural sterilization in the Sun) then Soak the roots in the rooting powder for a few minutes before planting.

3.It is recommended to cut off all the branches when planting, that is to say, even stubble. The reason for cutting off the branches is not to burden the root system. The branches will consume most of the nutrients before they sprout new roots It is easy to cause the plant to grow weak, or even die. When the flowers come in the following year, only one will remain
4.When planting peony, put the rhizome in the pit, the top of the rhizome is 3-5 cm from the ground, gently lift the plant 2-3 cm when filling about half of the soil, and then fill the soil with solid soil and then water it thoroughly This root system is easy to send new roots, into the winter, in the planting area heap 10-20 cm soil, this can be better against the cold.
he diameter of the pit is 15 cm and the depth is 20-30 cm



1.Peony Rust: residual leaves are the source of infection. In april-may when the rain, warm humid or low-lying conditions, mainly harm the leaves, june-august onset serious. Methods of prevention and control: The residual leaves of the diseased plants were burnt after harvest, the high furrow planting was done on dry land with good drainage, and at the initial stage of disease, the mixture of 0.3-0.4 degree of lime-sulphur or 97% of difenugreek sodium was sprayed 400 times, once every 7-10 days, for many times in succession.
2.Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum: Sclerotinia soil is the source of infection. Cause stem, leaf ministry disease more in spring. Can occur from seedling stage to adult stage. Prevention and control methods: Crop rotation with cereal crops; in the spring when more rain, do a good ditch drainage, reduce humidity, reduce the incidence of disease; early detection of disease plants, with soil dug out, disease points with lime disinfection, if necessary, surrounding spray 50% tobrazine 1000 times liquid.
3.Sclerotium Rolfsii of peony : The soil and fertilizer with pathogen are the infectious source of the disease, especially when sweet potato and soybean are used as the former crops, the disease is serious. The root and root-stem diseases usually occur before and after anthesis, in high temperature and rainy season.
4.Methods of control: rotation with gramineous plants, not with root medicinal plants and sweet potato, peanut, broad bean and other crops; planting with 50% tobrazine 1000 times soaking seed buds; found the plant with soil dug out burned, sick points with lime disinfection.
5.Root Rot: Disease Residues or seedlings in the soil are the source of infection. The main damage is to the roots. The disease is serious in rainy season. As the disease gets worse, the whole plant dies. Prevention and cure method: Prevention and cure of Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum 

2). Insect pest, white GRUBS: Larvae of the bronze-green Chafer. All Year round, from May to September. Damage to the roots, bite into uneven holes or incomplete broken, resulting in the above-ground part of the weak or withered, seriously affect the yield and quality. Prevention and control methods: In the morning, the victim seedlings, plants, Open Kill; light trapping adult; with 50% phoxim EC or 90% trichlorfon 1000-1500 times solution poured into the root; 3% carbofuran granules 2 kg per mu, mixed with moist soil 20-50 kg; Combine intertillage with weeding along the Ridge.
1.Small Ground Tiger: also known as “Ground Silkworm” , is a multi-feeding underground pests. Generally in spring and autumn, the most serious damage, often from the ground bite off seedlings or bite ununearthed seedlings caused by seedlings cut off. Methods of prevention and control: Before Sunrise in the early morning, killing in the vicinity of the seedlings; in the early larval stage, spraying with 98% trichlorfon crystal 1000 times liquid or 50% PHOXIM EC 1000 times liquid; in the advanced larval stage, poisonous bait can be used to trap and kill the Larvae Dissolve 98% trichlorfon crystal or 50% PHOXIM EC 100-150 G in 3-5 kg water per mu, spray 15-20 kg chopped fresh grass or other green manure, mix evenly while spraying, disperse around the seedlings in the evening Can have a very good effect of prevention and treatment.
2.Borer: Occurs in the spring, adults in the rhizome to lay eggs, after hatching, larvae drill into the root, gradually up borers, light of the stem and leaves withered yellow, heavy plant death. Control Methods: to find the injured plants, break the roots and stems, and kill the pests; to spray 80% or more trichlorfon 800-1000 times liquid, or to spray 2.5% trichlorfon powder per mu.
3.Termites: Because of the application of cake fertilizer often easy to lure termites, eat root bark, damage buds, injured leaves roll yellow. The control method: apply cake fertilizer before the termites come out of the hole, do not touch the root, pour 200-500 times solution of 50% phoxim or water of new tea cake.”2en”

few simple steps to learn how to potting peonies

Every year from September to October, the Peony Pot, half a year after maintenance, can be sold and planted at any time, breaking the peony can only be planted in the fall, extended sales period. In addition, potted peony flowering, but also can be moved to parks, shopping malls and other public places, Peony Mobile Exhibition and sales. Annual flowering can also be used to produce technology, to break the season limit, so that potted peony in the autumn, winter or any day of flowering.

Generally with black control root basin, black basin shading strong, conducive to rooting, the control root basin can increase the absorption area of roots. Pot Pot should be appropriately large to allow room for the growth of peony roots.
Plain red and white plastic pots and earthen pots are also often used. Ceramic Pot more beautiful, but because of heavy and poor permeability, generally used as a decorative pot, that is, peony flowers soon open, peony from the plastic pot into the ceramic pot, or together with the plastic pot into the ceramic pot.
In the development of potted peony flower exhibition, generally do some decoration outside the pot, or only the outermost row of pot decoration, to increase the aesthetic effect.
2. Prepare the Matrix
The Matrix is based on the principles of porosity, permeability, fertilizer and water conservation. Because the root of peony is fleshy root, nutrient-rich, it is easy to produce diseases and pests. Therefore, the substrate must be sterilized, insecticidal and fermentation treatment, commonly with Carbendazim, methyl thiophanate, Mancozeb, zinc sulfur and phosphorus and other chemicals disinfection. Can Not use the clay or saline-alkali soil with poor drainage, otherwise easy to cause rotten root death.
Commonly used and Better Matrix formula is: Peat soil, vermiculite in accordance with the proportion of 3:1, the advantage is light, easy to transport. The ratio of rotten leaf soil, garden soil and fine slag is 2:2:1, or the ratio of peat soil, perlite or stone and fine slag is 6:3:1. In production, some farmers friends to save costs only mixed with soil fertilizer field soil, carrying up the heavier.
3. Seedling raising
Potted tree peony should choose short stem node, short plant, strong adaptability, easy to blossom, good flower shape varieties.
Usually from September to October. Before seedling, first in the field will peony branches to remove the leaves, retain the Petiole, to protect the flower bud, if the Petiole is also removed, petiole base with branches connected to the site will have a larger scar. The peony branches are then gathered together and tied up with a rope so that the branches and flower buds are not damaged in subsequent operations.
After digging out the plant to remove the cover soil, digging should be careful to avoid damage to branches, try to keep the root integrity, reduce broken roots, generally with a fork digging, if digging with a shovel easy to injury roots. Because just dug up the root is more brittle, easy to break, so the seedlings dug out after 2 to 3 days, make it soft, can not be exposed in the sun, when the root dehydration can be soft pot.
3. Pot Up
Before pot installation, the root and disease root of the plant cut off, in order to avoid pot installation continue to rot. The roots are then soaked in a solution containing a fungicide, insecticide and rooting agent for 10 to 20 minutes, or the roots are dipped in a small amount of ash. Common fungicides are Carbendazim, Chlorothalonil and Mancozeb; common insecticides are dimethoate, Zinc thiophosphate and carbaryl; common rooting agents are ABT rooting powder, naphthylacetic acid and Indole butyric acid. Follow the instructions separately.
Plant size selection containers. Before the basin, the bottom of the basin spread about 2 cm thick debris or Haydite, can also be used gravel or slag. To do so, first, so that the bottom of the basin machine water, easy drainage, to avoid rotten root; second, in order to breathe, to provide oxygen to the root system. Then add about 3 cm of substrate, then add peony, plant on the Central Pot, the rhizome slightly lower than the upper edge of the pot 3-5 cm, the roots will naturally rotate in the same direction in the pot, when the substrate is filled to half or two thirds, shake the flowerpot so that the substrate is evenly distributed among the roots, then lift the plant up slightly to stretch the roots, while gently tamping the substrate with a wooden stick to ensure full contact between the roots and the substrate In order to take root. Finally, fill the substrate to the top edge of the basin and tamp it with a wooden stick. The Matrix after ramming should be below 3 centimeters of basin mouth, in order to irrigate easily, apply fertilizer. Do not immediately after the basin watering, first let the injured root system to heal the wound, 3 to 5 days after the water again.
Different from the field of peony, peony potted to often watering, but each time the amount of water can not be too large, so as not to rot roots. In order to save manpower, drip irrigation is suggested.
Seedlings grow up, can be replaced into a large basin, usually in September to October, when the basin should retain more soil, and into the base fertilizer.
5. Post-pot treatment
The most scientific method is to split the peony branch in half, that is, to cut the branch 5-15 cm below the top bud of each branch, the standard is to ensure that the cut branch has at least two or more side buds. The cuttings can be grafted as scions.
The reason is, just potted peony, half a year will not give birth to many new roots, and the next year after spring, the top bud on each branch will grow quickly, form buds, and then bloom. This process needs to consume a lot of nutrients, and because the new roots of newly potted tree peony can not absorb enough nutrients from the substrate in time, it has to consume a lot of nutrients stored in the roots. In this way, the growth of new root system and the development of new flower bud of potted tree peony are greatly affected within 2 to 3 years after anthesis, even lead to no anthesis. Therefore, if the top bud is removed and the peony does not flower in the first year, there will be enough nutrition and time to produce enough new roots to ensure that it will flower normally year after year, regardless of whether it is produced out of season or normally.
Potted, do not carry on any pruning to the branches, directly used for the current year’s Lunar New Year flower production, that is, before the Spring Festival to let it bloom. This mode of production causes the peony to gradually die off in the summer, and even those that survive have no commercial value, because the newly potted tree peony has not yet produced a good new root system The nutrition of the old root is almost exhausted in the process of flower bud growth and flowering.
After potting, place it in a sunward leeward position and sell the peonies directly when they bloom the next year. This way, too, some peonies die off in the summer. After the bud germinates, remove part of the bud (leaving the leaves) , leaving only about half of the bud to continue to grow until it blooms, and place it in a cool place to reduce water transpiration when summer comes. These measures ensure that most peonies survive and retain a certain commercial value.
Basic maintenance
1.Light Management
Peony flowers like light, but afraid of exposure, hot summer heat often burn the leaves. In addition, the root system of potted peony water absorption capacity is limited, so summer must be appropriate shade, general 10 am to 4 pm with shading net to cover, noon to be strictly prohibited insolation. Spring and autumn, it should be placed in the Leeward to the sun, fully accept the Sun.
2.Water Management
Peony generally like dry, but do not mistake peony drought tolerance, just do not let the soil water saturation is too high, otherwise its fleshy roots easy to rot, so to the peony watering principle is “frequent watering, but every time the amount of watering to be less” , especially potted peony is to frequent watering, less watering. When summer air temperature is higher, should increase appropriate irrigate frequency more. Autumn watering should be appropriately reduced, in order to prevent the induction of flower Bud Germination in advance, affect the next year’s flowering. After winter enters dormancy, basin soil does not do not need to water basically.
3.Fertilizer Management
Peony like fertilizer, should pay attention to timely fertilizer. The new pot of peony, half a year is no longer general fertilization, pot soil preparation when adding basic fertilizer can basically meet its growth needs. Topdressing is generally in half a year after the beginning, a year topdressing 2 to 3 times appropriate, mainly in the growth stage of spring buds, after flowering and autumn fertilization. Traditional organic fertilizer can be applied, can be applied into the pot soil, also can be applied when watering liquid organic fertilizer.
4.Pest management
Leaf diseases are mainly Botrytis cinerea and leaf spot, which are mainly prevented by spraying fungicides when sprouting in spring. In case of the above-mentioned diseases, the diseased branches can be removed in time by spraying 1% bordeaux mixture, 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000-fold solution, 65% thiophanate-methyl 500-fold solution or 50% ammonium chloride 1000-fold solution every 10 to 15 days and continuously spraying 2 to 5 times.
Root Diseases are mainly root-knot nematodes, grubs and root rot. Root Rot is caused by Fusarium and armillaria combined infection caused by excessive moisture and humidity. As a precautionary measure, peony roots are soaked for 5 to 10 minutes in a mixture of 600 to 800 times wettable thiophanate-methyl and 1,000 times the mixture of isosalifon-methyl before planting. For the tree peonies that have fallen ill after planting, the roots can be irrigated with the above-mentioned medicament or applied together with water. The control of white GRUBS can be methyl isosaliphos into the flowerpot. In the case of nematods, 10% KNP granules, or 40% 800-fold solution of mephedrone, or 3% mephedrone granules, or aldicarb, or aluminium phosphide tablets can be applied to flower pots.