
few simple steps to learn how to potting peonies

Every year from September to October, the Peony Pot, half a year after maintenance, can be sold and planted at any time, breaking the peony can only be planted in the fall, extended sales period. In addition, potted peony flowering, but also can be moved to parks, shopping malls and other public places, Peony Mobile Exhibition and sales. Annual flowering can also be used to produce technology, to break the season limit, so that potted peony in the autumn, winter or any day of flowering.

Generally with black control root basin, black basin shading strong, conducive to rooting, the control root basin can increase the absorption area of roots. Pot Pot should be appropriately large to allow room for the growth of peony roots.
Plain red and white plastic pots and earthen pots are also often used. Ceramic Pot more beautiful, but because of heavy and poor permeability, generally used as a decorative pot, that is, peony flowers soon open, peony from the plastic pot into the ceramic pot, or together with the plastic pot into the ceramic pot.
In the development of potted peony flower exhibition, generally do some decoration outside the pot, or only the outermost row of pot decoration, to increase the aesthetic effect.
2. Prepare the Matrix
The Matrix is based on the principles of porosity, permeability, fertilizer and water conservation. Because the root of peony is fleshy root, nutrient-rich, it is easy to produce diseases and pests. Therefore, the substrate must be sterilized, insecticidal and fermentation treatment, commonly with Carbendazim, methyl thiophanate, Mancozeb, zinc sulfur and phosphorus and other chemicals disinfection. Can Not use the clay or saline-alkali soil with poor drainage, otherwise easy to cause rotten root death.
Commonly used and Better Matrix formula is: Peat soil, vermiculite in accordance with the proportion of 3:1, the advantage is light, easy to transport. The ratio of rotten leaf soil, garden soil and fine slag is 2:2:1, or the ratio of peat soil, perlite or stone and fine slag is 6:3:1. In production, some farmers friends to save costs only mixed with soil fertilizer field soil, carrying up the heavier.
3. Seedling raising
Potted tree peony should choose short stem node, short plant, strong adaptability, easy to blossom, good flower shape varieties.
Usually from September to October. Before seedling, first in the field will peony branches to remove the leaves, retain the Petiole, to protect the flower bud, if the Petiole is also removed, petiole base with branches connected to the site will have a larger scar. The peony branches are then gathered together and tied up with a rope so that the branches and flower buds are not damaged in subsequent operations.
After digging out the plant to remove the cover soil, digging should be careful to avoid damage to branches, try to keep the root integrity, reduce broken roots, generally with a fork digging, if digging with a shovel easy to injury roots. Because just dug up the root is more brittle, easy to break, so the seedlings dug out after 2 to 3 days, make it soft, can not be exposed in the sun, when the root dehydration can be soft pot.
3. Pot Up
Before pot installation, the root and disease root of the plant cut off, in order to avoid pot installation continue to rot. The roots are then soaked in a solution containing a fungicide, insecticide and rooting agent for 10 to 20 minutes, or the roots are dipped in a small amount of ash. Common fungicides are Carbendazim, Chlorothalonil and Mancozeb; common insecticides are dimethoate, Zinc thiophosphate and carbaryl; common rooting agents are ABT rooting powder, naphthylacetic acid and Indole butyric acid. Follow the instructions separately.
Plant size selection containers. Before the basin, the bottom of the basin spread about 2 cm thick debris or Haydite, can also be used gravel or slag. To do so, first, so that the bottom of the basin machine water, easy drainage, to avoid rotten root; second, in order to breathe, to provide oxygen to the root system. Then add about 3 cm of substrate, then add peony, plant on the Central Pot, the rhizome slightly lower than the upper edge of the pot 3-5 cm, the roots will naturally rotate in the same direction in the pot, when the substrate is filled to half or two thirds, shake the flowerpot so that the substrate is evenly distributed among the roots, then lift the plant up slightly to stretch the roots, while gently tamping the substrate with a wooden stick to ensure full contact between the roots and the substrate In order to take root. Finally, fill the substrate to the top edge of the basin and tamp it with a wooden stick. The Matrix after ramming should be below 3 centimeters of basin mouth, in order to irrigate easily, apply fertilizer. Do not immediately after the basin watering, first let the injured root system to heal the wound, 3 to 5 days after the water again.
Different from the field of peony, peony potted to often watering, but each time the amount of water can not be too large, so as not to rot roots. In order to save manpower, drip irrigation is suggested.
Seedlings grow up, can be replaced into a large basin, usually in September to October, when the basin should retain more soil, and into the base fertilizer.
5. Post-pot treatment
The most scientific method is to split the peony branch in half, that is, to cut the branch 5-15 cm below the top bud of each branch, the standard is to ensure that the cut branch has at least two or more side buds. The cuttings can be grafted as scions.
The reason is, just potted peony, half a year will not give birth to many new roots, and the next year after spring, the top bud on each branch will grow quickly, form buds, and then bloom. This process needs to consume a lot of nutrients, and because the new roots of newly potted tree peony can not absorb enough nutrients from the substrate in time, it has to consume a lot of nutrients stored in the roots. In this way, the growth of new root system and the development of new flower bud of potted tree peony are greatly affected within 2 to 3 years after anthesis, even lead to no anthesis. Therefore, if the top bud is removed and the peony does not flower in the first year, there will be enough nutrition and time to produce enough new roots to ensure that it will flower normally year after year, regardless of whether it is produced out of season or normally.
Potted, do not carry on any pruning to the branches, directly used for the current year’s Lunar New Year flower production, that is, before the Spring Festival to let it bloom. This mode of production causes the peony to gradually die off in the summer, and even those that survive have no commercial value, because the newly potted tree peony has not yet produced a good new root system The nutrition of the old root is almost exhausted in the process of flower bud growth and flowering.
After potting, place it in a sunward leeward position and sell the peonies directly when they bloom the next year. This way, too, some peonies die off in the summer. After the bud germinates, remove part of the bud (leaving the leaves) , leaving only about half of the bud to continue to grow until it blooms, and place it in a cool place to reduce water transpiration when summer comes. These measures ensure that most peonies survive and retain a certain commercial value.
Basic maintenance
1.Light Management
Peony flowers like light, but afraid of exposure, hot summer heat often burn the leaves. In addition, the root system of potted peony water absorption capacity is limited, so summer must be appropriate shade, general 10 am to 4 pm with shading net to cover, noon to be strictly prohibited insolation. Spring and autumn, it should be placed in the Leeward to the sun, fully accept the Sun.
2.Water Management
Peony generally like dry, but do not mistake peony drought tolerance, just do not let the soil water saturation is too high, otherwise its fleshy roots easy to rot, so to the peony watering principle is “frequent watering, but every time the amount of watering to be less” , especially potted peony is to frequent watering, less watering. When summer air temperature is higher, should increase appropriate irrigate frequency more. Autumn watering should be appropriately reduced, in order to prevent the induction of flower Bud Germination in advance, affect the next year’s flowering. After winter enters dormancy, basin soil does not do not need to water basically.
3.Fertilizer Management
Peony like fertilizer, should pay attention to timely fertilizer. The new pot of peony, half a year is no longer general fertilization, pot soil preparation when adding basic fertilizer can basically meet its growth needs. Topdressing is generally in half a year after the beginning, a year topdressing 2 to 3 times appropriate, mainly in the growth stage of spring buds, after flowering and autumn fertilization. Traditional organic fertilizer can be applied, can be applied into the pot soil, also can be applied when watering liquid organic fertilizer.
4.Pest management
Leaf diseases are mainly Botrytis cinerea and leaf spot, which are mainly prevented by spraying fungicides when sprouting in spring. In case of the above-mentioned diseases, the diseased branches can be removed in time by spraying 1% bordeaux mixture, 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000-fold solution, 65% thiophanate-methyl 500-fold solution or 50% ammonium chloride 1000-fold solution every 10 to 15 days and continuously spraying 2 to 5 times.
Root Diseases are mainly root-knot nematodes, grubs and root rot. Root Rot is caused by Fusarium and armillaria combined infection caused by excessive moisture and humidity. As a precautionary measure, peony roots are soaked for 5 to 10 minutes in a mixture of 600 to 800 times wettable thiophanate-methyl and 1,000 times the mixture of isosalifon-methyl before planting. For the tree peonies that have fallen ill after planting, the roots can be irrigated with the above-mentioned medicament or applied together with water. The control of white GRUBS can be methyl isosaliphos into the flowerpot. In the case of nematods, 10% KNP granules, or 40% 800-fold solution of mephedrone, or 3% mephedrone granules, or aldicarb, or aluminium phosphide tablets can be applied to flower pots.

