
You need to know something about peony seeds

1. When peony seeds begin to ripen in August, immediately remove them from the sand to avoid drying out, and then store them in a cool place. The seeds can be treated with 1% GIBBERELLIN for 48 hours, or the hypocotyl dormancy can be relieved at about 5 °C, and the seedlings can germinate in the following spring.
2, peony sex likes warm and cool, dry and sunny environment, like light at the same time also bear half shade, cold, weak Alkali resistance. But avoid stagnant water, afraid of high temperature, especially in summer to avoid direct sun. The suitable growing temperature of tree peony is 17-20 °C, and it will enter into dormancy when the temperature exceeds 25 °C.

3. Peony is suitable for growing in loose, fertile, sunny, dry, well-drained neutral sandy loam soil, generally planted in late September to early October. Peony sowing to 3-4 cm as the best, after sowing its covered with soil, and the ground level, and then gently level off the soil, a one-time watering. Winter to pay attention to heat, moisture, to cover in its grass, leaves, horse manure and other things, or covered with plastic film.
4, when potted, can spread a layer of 3-5 centimeters thick thick coarse sand or small stone at the bottom of flowerpot first, this can help drainage. The Pot soil is mixed with yellow sand soil and cake fertilizer, or the cultivated soil is mixed with rotten stable manure, garden soil and coarse sand in the ratio of 1:1:1. After the soil has been filled in, it should be compacted by hand.
5, Peony can not have seeper, bogey planted in low-lying seeper place, after the rain to clear the basin in a timely manner. Peony although drought-resistant, but also should keep the soil moist appropriate, watering depends on seasonal conditions.
6, Peony planting, the next spring began to sprout, seedlings exposed to the surface, will produce leaflets, some may only one, but some can produce 2-3 leaves. When the peony into the growth period, to pay attention to the removal of weeds, whether there are diseases and insect pests. But if you plant a seed, it usually takes five to six years to bloom.


Master these 5 points, you will grow a beautiful big peony!

Peony Flowers, national color Tianxiang, the world is all amazed at its beauty, but the peony most suitable for planting. If you want to potting, you need a certain skill, so share the potting method of peony below.

1. Choose your time
Peony flowers most suitable for autumn cultivation, after the leaves of the fleshy roots have accumulated a certain amount of nutrients, cultivation of peony flowers at this time, the highest survival rate. Do not choose in the spring, because the spring branches have been budding, nutrition has been consumed, even if survive, it is difficult to bloom. We may have heard of peony in spring, but not in bloom in old age.
II. Pick A pot
Peony root system fat plants tall, growth needs more space, consumption of more nutrients, so in order to raise peony, we must use a larger pot, can accommodate more soil, so as to meet the needs of growth. In addition, peony root system to breathe, so want to choose breathable good big Sushao flowerpot, big wooden box is also a good choice.
II. Choose the soil

Peony, like fertile loose breathable sandy soil, soil if can be the best weak alkaline, the south to raise peony, must improve the south of the acid soil. Only in this way, can meet the needs of peony growth, health into three. Properly fertilize and water
Peony before planting, it is best to use some bottom fertilizer, such as rotten cake fertilizer, rotten animal manure, are peony favorite, but the bottom fertilizer do not pay attention to direct contact with the root system. Ordinary top-dressing, can be used in the spring germination period of light fertilizer, summer dormancy general do not apply fertilizer, before the winter can be conducive to fertilization in winter.
Potted Peony watering do not too much, do not accumulate water, otherwise it will make the soil sticky heavy, so fat meat root rot, usually can keep the soil slightly moist, winter even less watering can maintain the soil slightly dry.
IV. Overwintering

Peony winter can bear low temperature, indoor potted attention can not be placed in the heating room, if you break hibernation, will affect the flowering.
V. Other points to note
Hot Summer, general to shade, ventilation and ventilation attention to maintain a cool environment.
The first year, flowering general do not stay, sparse to keep nutrition, so that healthy growth of peony, the next year will open more beautiful flowers.
In addition, attention should be paid to the control of Cercospora leaf spot in spring and the red spider of scale insect in summer and autumn. Peony although beautiful, but as long as to meet its growth needs, or very easy to raise!


The reason why peonies don't bloom

Many people who are just beginning to plant peony will encounter such a problem: Autumn Planting Peony Flowers, spring opened a lot of flowers, but the next spring is not in bloom!

Why is that? Today I'm going to analyze why.
Want to know why peony does not blossom, so we come to understand first, peony in what circumstances can blossom.
The condition of peony flowering

1, rich water want peony flowering, the first condition is rich in rich water, peony growth robust, natural can reach the conditions of flowering. Natural Plants Flower and bear fruit in order to reproduce, so the plant itself must be strong and mature enough to do so.
2, after the low temperature vernalization peony flowering is required after 2-3 months of time below 10 degrees vernalization. Without the process of low temperature vernalization, buds can not be conceived and flowers can not bloom naturally.
Ok, we know the necessary conditions for peony to blossom. Then let's take a look at why our peony can blossom in the first year and not in the second year.
The reason why peonies don't bloom in the second year
The reason that peony does not blossom 
the second year is we manage not to arrive in place after all, did not do the rejuvenation work of peony well.

1. Lack of fat and water
Our flower friends are often to see the heart cut, even the first year on the potted peony, will let it bloom, and flowering is a lot of nutrients to consume, if the flowering, and then let its seed, it is undoubtedly the consumption of peony is huge
Summer is the flower bud differentiation period of tree peony, nutrition for the next flowering tree peony has a crucial impact, if not timely fertilization will naturally affect the next flowering.
2. Improper watering
Only topdressing is not enough, water management is also very important!
Have you followed the dry and sodden rule? If the peony is watered too much, the root system will be damaged and the growth of the plant will be weakened. If the plant is not strong enough, it will only grow leaf buds and not flower buds.
3. Pest infestation
Does your peony have early drop leaf, or leaves appear black spot, parched situation?
Diseases and insect pests also weaken tree peony plants and prevent them from forming flower buds.
4. No vernalization

Winter temperature reached the condition of vernalization peony, but will peony potted in the warm indoor winter, it is your fault. Personal suggestion, winter will peony in 0 degrees or so, adequate light environment can, do not put heating room and air conditioning room, complete vernalization is certainly not blooming
To sum up, if you want peony flowers to bloom year after year, management must be in place, fertilizing and pruning in a timely manner. When you buy seedlings, you should try to select healthy seedlings and give up the idea of buying small seedlings. The management itself is not very good Then the purchase of poor resistance to small seedlings, that raise to bloom really do not know when to.


The grafting method of peony needs to master skills

At present, most exquisite ornamental peonies are bred by grafting. Generally speaking, ornamental peony grafting seasonal strong, the best choice in late August to mid-october grafting. Of course, in some places, the grafting time, according to the local climatic conditions to decide!

The most important thing in the grafting process is to master the grafting technology, but also to find the appropriate rooting conditions such as temperature, humidity, soil and so on.
Through many experiments, the suitable conditions of root and shoot grafting were found, and the grafting efficiency and rooting survival rate were improved greatly. Since then, began to breed a large number of good varieties, targeted breeding double-valve varieties, the initial change of Gansu Peony single-valve varieties more than the situation, fundamentally solve the problem of variety imbalance, to achieve large-scale propagation of ornamental peony. And has been "commercial production and grafting of Paeonia ROCKII rapid propagation method" national invention patent.

Gansu Peony workers in grafting, first of all, carefully select the need to graft peony varieties. When picking Scion, the general selection of robust growth, close to the ground of the annual new branch (commonly known as Soil Bud) , according to specifications for cutting.

Gansu Peony reminds everyone, scion should be cut with the use, can not be placed too long, such as cut can not be used up, to do a good job of preservation.
Secondly, it is necessary to select rootstocks (both peony roots and peony roots are suitable for rootstocks) . When selecting rootstocks, the staff of Gansu Peony strictly selects high-quality rootstocks according to the standards. This is conducive to rooting and sprouting after planting At the same time, it also promotes the healthy development of peony industry.
Next, a graft will be made. The grafting method of peony is very important to its growth adaptability. At present, there are many grafting methods of peony. How to choose the grafting method depends on the variety adaptability.
In grafting, the general use of the paste method, this method of grafting is conducive to the late rooting and germination of peony, greatly improving the survival rate of ornamental peony!
At present, ornamental peonies can be planted in urban parks, street greenbelts, government offices, schools, courtyards, temples, classical gardens and other places. It with its gorgeous colors, rich decorative effect of the garden as an important ornamental landscape, so that you can not go out to see peony trace.


The Methods of growing &care peonies

Peony is a deep-rooted deciduous shrubs flowers, like the sun, cold, love cool environment and hate high temperature and Muggy, suitable for loose, fertile, well-drained Sandy soil growth. It has a certain ability to resist drought but not wet, avoid planting in the low-lying water, if the soil moisture is too much, its fleshy roots will be easy to rot. Below, Gansu Peonies we detailed the specific planting methods of peony which.

The propagation of peony flowers with sowing, ramets, grafting are all possible. But the method of sowing takes too long, and from the time of sowing, flowers can not be seen until 4-5 years later, which requires patience; the grafting method is highly technical, and is only suitable for experienced or professional gardeners, while novices have difficulty in receiving live flowers If the measures are not appropriate, it is difficult to grow smoothly after receiving a live, so generally the use of ramets more.
Soil requirements for planting methods of peony flowers
Peony planting time is best in the early or mid-october of the lunar calendar, to choose high terrain, deep soil, loose soil, fertile, good drainage area. It is best to have more than 1 m thick of cultivated soil, loose sandy soil layer (should not be too thin in loose soil layer, the following is a knot of hard soil or clay cultivation) . After the selection of good soil, rake fine, and then filled with pig manure, bone meal, oil cake, plant ash fertilizer as a base fertilizer. Then a drainage ditch 30-40 cm deep must be dug around the plot.
Because the peony root must be longer, tree trees larger, so suitable for planting, if you need potted, should choose large, good water permeability of the pot, pot depth requirements in 30 cm above. The best is to use a 60-70 cm depth of the tile cylinder.

Ramets should be selected from plants that are relatively robust and have not been over-distributed for 4-5 years. First dig up the whole plant, remove the root soil, leave it dry in the shade for a day, then peel it open by hand, divide it with knife (keep part of the root system and the tiller buds near the root) , divide it into 3 tillers (don't divide more, each should have 3-5 tillers buds) , divide the thick root cut off, and then in the wound coated 1% copper sulfate disinfection, or cool 1-2 days after planting, lest infection virus.
Peony cultivation of the depth of about 20-30 cm, not too deep, remember not to exceed the depth of the original root, too deep too shallow will not flourish. When planting, pay attention to make its roots natural stretch, evenly distributed in the planting hole. After planting a little press, so that the roots and soil tightly connected, and then a water permeability, and then within a month can not water, more can not fertilize. If the weather is cold, it is best to cover the roots with a dry layer of horse manure to keep them warm.

The planting method of peonies is watering
This 1-2 months later, if the weather is dry without rain, can be appropriate to the peony watering, but to master a principle: Peony fear water, rather dry, not waterlogging. A little dry won't hurt, but if it gets too wet, it'll rot and kill you. You just need to keep the soil from drying out. In case of continuous rain weather, to timely dredge drains, must not let peony root water.
Fertilization of planting method of peony flower
Peony like fertilizer, to master four important fertilization, the first time for the first germination period, when the most in need of nutrients, can be applied quick-acting fertilizer, so that the roots of the plant can obtain adequate nutrition. The second time is 1 month before flowering, also should apply the quick-acting fertilizer, has the promoter action to that year peony flowering.
The third time is after-flowering fertilizer, that is, within half a month after flowering, the amount of application can be larger. This fertilizer will determine how well the flowers bloom the next year. The fourth time is the winter fertilizer, that is, before the winter irrigation, can be applied after the accumulation of organic fertilizer. This fertilizer can change the soil structure, increase the ground temperature, have the protection function to the plant overwinter.
Planting method of peony flower: Weeding and loosening soil
After the spring, peony plants around the ground need to be weeded loose soil, shallow hoe can, do not need to Hoe deep, so as not to hurt the flower roots. After each rain, the day should be clear again to loosen the soil, so as not to grow grass near the roots.
Cooling measures of planting methods of peony flowers
Peony flowers are not resistant to high temperature, hot summer days need to take cooling measures, at this time it is best to build a pergola, for its shade. Cover with a Straw curtain or reeds before noon and remove in the evening. This measure done in time, can prevent defoliation, if left to its heat, defoliation, will affect the effect of flowering later.

Planting method of peony flower
What do you mean by holding the bud? From the second year of Ramets, in early spring and February, we need to check the base buds near the soil. We can only keep 5-6 strong and well-distributed buds, but we can peel off the rest of the foot buds. This is called "ding-gu-na-ya" , because there are too many left Will have an impact on next year's bloom.


Do You know Peony Autumn pruning tips

Pruning time, you know?
Peony pruning work should focus on the autumn peony after the leaves, as long as the spring for a bud, except soil bud can achieve strong plants, flowers big colorful purposes. 

There are three main reasons:
1.Peony has the habit of dieback branches, as the saying goes: "Peony a foot long shrink eight inches" that is to say, because the upper part of the original branches of the axils of the non-budding part of the branch can not be lignified, poor cold resistance, the winter will die of its own Only the remaining half of the tree peony branches overwintered, this part is the actual growth of the year. In late October, the growth of the branches has been determined and needs to be pruned in a targeted way.
2.Flower Bud differentiation of Peony begins in mid-june and ends in late September and mid-october, when pruning can select the number of flower buds and branches for viewing.
3. According to the needs of plant shape, the soil bud branch of the current year can be selected properly, so as to avoid the waste of its nutrients after sprouting in spring, and pruning should be carried out according to the use and age of tree peony. Ornamental tree peony to uniform branches, production tree peony to remove branches, new planted tree peony to flat head, 2 ~ 5-year-old tree peony to set branches, 5 ~ 10-year-old tree peony to strong branches, old tree peony to cherish branches.

 peony requires strong plants, flowers big color , so to remove too many buds, if a branch with a number of buds, certainly can not flower big color . At the same time to control the number of branches, will be used for the replacement of individual branches or crown-shaped soil shoots retained, the rest of the soil shoots must be cut off roots. Peony production of soil shoots can be retained, only too dense branches, collateral branches, cross branches, inward branches and pest branches cut off, but the spring must be knocked off bud. Peony spring long branches, autumn hair root, flowering will consume a lot of nutrients, play bud will promote peony more branches, long strong branches, faster growth into commercial seedlings.
How to Prune the newly transplanted peonies?

The newly planted peony should be well watered, and the ground should be planed first, that is, the stubble should be planed at the root. Combined with hoeing soil moisture heap, flat stubble to be even root department will grow stronger. Some growers often report that the peony grows weaker and weaker after even stubble, and some even die. In fact, they are worried about cutting off the peony after even stubble. In fact, peony has adventitious buds, that is, attached to the roots and stems after emergence for sprout, commonly known as "Soil Bud" , the germination of adventitious buds is very strong, flat head later in the spring to grow exuberant but will not bloom, Autumn Development and differentiation to form a flower bud, the next year to bloom.
One, 2 ~ 5-year-old Tree Peony wants to set branch, from the second year after planting, should decide branch according to the growth situation, when the new bud grows to 10 cm in spring, choose 4 ~ 5 grow strong and well-distributed to keep down, as main branch (commonly known as set branch) , cut Out the rest. After every autumn, depending on the shape of plant, the growth of selected soil shoots as a stem culture, so that the plant growing year by year, plump.
Second, 5 ~ 10-year-old tree peony to strong branches, planted more than 5 years of tree peony strong growth, mainly through pruning control the number of branches, so that the plant strong, round. In autumn, according to the plant shape, select the remaining soil bud branch, stay strong to remove weak branch, cut off weak branch, diseased branch, dead branch, and clear the garden in time, reduce the occurrence of diseases and pests.
Third, the old peony to cherish the branch. As long as the tree peony is properly pruned and managed, it will still grow well after years of planting. Pay attention to protect the branches, to avoid accidental injury, pruning the old branches on the bud to cut off, otherwise it will cause the upper branches of the old recession, the root of the soil bud in addition to regeneration and rejuvenation is generally not retained


How to distinguishTree peony from Herbaceous peony

In the Tang Dynasty, Liu Yuxi wrote, "庭前芍药妖无格,池上芙蕖净少情。唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城.

The poem mentions two contrasting plants, the peony and the herbaceouse peony. Although the poem personifies the two types of plants, making a very vivid distinction, but small series believe that the vast majority of people read the poem is still tree peony,Herbaceous peony silly distinction.
The TreePeony and  Herbaceous Peony are very similar in appearance, because both belong to the genus paeoniaceae. In this way, the relationship between the two is very close. It is no wonder that the president is so similar Of course, it's easier to tell the difference.

In fact, the most obvious difference is the leaves, Herbaceous peony leaves long narrow thick green, The tree peony leaves stretch, a rich shape, color is also some tender. If there are no leaves, pinch a branch. Herbaceous Peony Flower soft, The tree peony flower branches hard and strong, there is a sense of wood.
The other flowering period is different. The tree peony usually blooms from April to May. By the middle of May, the tree peony flowers are almost in full bloom. And this time Herbaceous peony flower just began to open, the two just staggered a month on the flowering time, peony flower open time in general in May to June each year. So a lot of park in the planting of peony will plant some peony as a match, this can play a long flowering time to watch the effect.

Second, we can distinguish from the two flowers, the tree peony flower flower diameter is generally larger than the herbaceous peony flower diameter, and tree peony flower a branch above only one flower, looks like a stand alone feeling. And theherbaceous  peony flower is often a flower branch above there will be a few flowers. Second, the petals of tree peony flowers are more orderly, mostly double, and herbaceous  peony flowers are more diverse, double and single petals have, double petals of peony flowers are very compact.


Four ways to quickly understand peony cultivation

Since ancient times in our country, the description of peonies has always been a symbol of wealth, so even now, the demand for peonies is very high, both at home and in the market, especially when catching up with some festivals Are Looking for a very good metaphor, so what is the difference between planting a peony and planting other flowers? Peony growing environment, because it likes warm, cool and dry places, but also like the sun, can fight the cold, fight drought, so relatively simple, can be planted flowers And in the florist planting time must choose more loose soil, had better be the drainage good place to carry on the planting.

Now it is widely distributed in our country, and according to some special selection and personnel to investigate the majority of our country's peony varieties are wild or semi-wild, there are some types of specialized horticultural cultivation. And when the florist is planting, most of it is used for gardening, that is, to provide supplies for the market and there are many ways to reproduce it
1. This was done in the Ming Dynasty by taking out the full-grown peony flower and cutting it from the root. How many times do we have to cut it? How big is it? Depending on the size of each plant, usually three to four branches can be divided into one, and there must be a very complete system, followed by some sulphur powder and some earth The above wounds can be applied evenly for planting, and the-minute time is best in the fall of the year when the frost comes, when the temperature and surface temperature are relatively high and it is in a dormant state So there is still a long period of time to need vegetative growth, and the ramets on its growth is not too much impact. If it's too late, its roots will grow too weak, or it won't be able to produce new roots, and it will grow weaker the next year, so it's more likely to die.

2. Grafting, which is used because of Kaneki's different and divided into two kinds, one is the wild peony, one is the root of peony, and the more commonly used grafting method is the embedding method, the embedding method is the root of peony as rootstock Because the root of Paeonia lactiflora pall is originally very soft, so it is also very easy to be grafted, and the nutrition is also very sufficient. After grafting, the initial growth will be very vigorous. If the root of peony is grafted, it is woody and hard Grafting time is more difficult, but life will be very long, so the flower farmers choose which to use according to the conditions in their region to choose.

3. Ventral grafting, which is an improved method of grafting a number of branches using a bad variety, is used to select the best one between the first half of July and the middle of August First select some plants that have not been attacked by pests, subtract some of the above branches or short branches to be grafted. After that, in addition to not being irrigated, keeping it growing at the right temperature and humidity is a way of cultivating multiple varieties, as well as multiple colors on a single plant.

4. Cuttage propagation is a new method of using its branches to produce adventitious roots. It is also a method of asexual propagation, which is to cut the branches off the plant and then put them into the soil Will allow it to take root and create new pillars, either by selecting the shoots from the current year, or by selecting a few, seemingly nutritious strips of paper between 10 cm and 18 cm in length before pruning. And use this way according to it likes to be dry, and the characteristics of the fight against drought, to choose some ventilation place, but must maintain integrity, water also want a one-time thoroughly.



The transplant of peony in autumn is determined by the habit of peony. In autumn, the air is cool, the temperature is suitable, after transplanting, the roots grow rapidly, before winter, a batch of new roots have developed mature, to the next spring, the roots can be normal supply of nutrients, plants into vegetative growth. In spring transplanting, on the one hand, the root was seriously damaged; on the other hand, the root wound healing needs a process, in the new root did not grow, the weather has turned warm. With the change of temperature, the above-ground parts have begun to sprout and grow leaves, which need to consume a lot of nutrients, but the root system can not absorb the water and nutrients, so it is not easy to survive; even if it survives, its growth is very thin and weak, and it is still difficult to spend the summer Even less likely to bloom.

If it must be transplanted in spring, it must be carried out as early as possible after the soil thaws. Note for Spring Migration:
1. When the bud of the scale has not yet germinated or is about to germinate, the original mound big soil lump is transplanted.
2 water immediately after planting, followed by a week, then water once a month, until the rainy season.
3. Cut off excess shoots, buds, and overgrown branches to minimize consumption.
4.Strengthen field management, timely weeding, loosening soil, appropriate fertilization.


A few simple steps to becoming a master peonies grower

Peony as China's traditional famous flower, is the Chinese people like every family of the plant, in the international also received a lot of fans like, the following we will talk about how to plant good peony

Peony’s characteristics are “four appropriate fear” , that is, should be cold fear of freezing, should be warm fear of heat, should be light fear of shade, should be dry fear of wet.
Planting time
As the saying goes: “seven peonies, eight peonies (lunar calendar) ” , “the spring equinox plant peony, to the old does not bloom. ” The suitable time for potted peony is the same as that for field planting, Heze and Luoyang are usually suitable from late September to early October, early planting is easy to “autumn hair” , late root growth is slow, plant growth is not prosperous, and even the following year after flowering easily die.
Peony in the pot before, the first 1 ~ 2 days out of the seedlings drying, so that the root water softening, easy to trim and planting. Before planting, put the pot in the sink to absorb enough water. When planting, first in the basin bottom drainage hole pad a tile to prevent soil leakage, and then spread 2 ~ 5 cm thick small stones or waste brown rope and other things, easy drainage. Before planting, the tree peony seedlings should be trimmed to make the above-ground and underground parts of the balance, beautiful and generous shape, easy to cultivation and management.
Peony in the pot before, the first 1 ~ 2 days out of the seedlings drying, so that the root water softening, easy to trim and planting. Before planting, put the pot in the sink to absorb enough water. When planting, first in the basin bottom drainage hole pad a tile to prevent soil leakage, and then spread 2 ~ 5 cm thick small stones or waste brown rope and other things, easy drainage. Before planting, the tree peony seedlings should be trimmed to make the above-ground and underground parts of the balance, beautiful and generous shape, easy to cultivation and management.
Peony in the pot before, the first 1 ~ 2 days out of the seedlings drying, so that the root water softening, easy to trim and planting. Before planting, put the pot in the sink to absorb enough water. When planting, first in the basin bottom drainage hole pad a tile to prevent soil leakage, and then spread 2 ~ 5 cm thick small stones or waste brown rope and other things, easy drainage. Before planting, the tree peony seedlings should be trimmed to make the above-ground and underground parts of the balance, beautiful and generous shape, easy to cultivation and management.
Breeding Peony, should choose loose, fertile, humus content is high, fertilizer effect is lasting and drainage performance good soil. Generally, 7 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 6 parts of Sandy Loam soil and 4 parts of rotten leaf soil can be mixed evenly. Don’t forget to put two pieces of tiles on the top of the drainage hole when you put flowers in the pot.

“Peony appropriate dry should not wet. ” Peony is deep-rooted fleshy root, afraid of long-term water, usually watering should not much, to appropriate partial dry. Water twice before planting. Irrigation once before winter to ensure its safety through the winter. Give water when the soil is wet and dry, but don’t overwater it.
The basic fertilizer for cultivating peony must be sufficient. The base fertilizer may use the compost, the cake fertilizer or the manure. It is usually better to apply fertilizer three times a year, that is, spray once every half a month before flowering, apply compound fertilizer once every half a month after flowering, and compost once before winter to ensure flowering the next year.

After the leaves fall in the fall, they can be trimmed. Cut off the dense, parallel, crossed, introverted and diseased branches to keep the plant in good shape. At the same time, the condition of ventilation and light transmission can be improved by pruning.
Florescence management
Main Branch Terminal Bud if not bud, but leaf bud, should be picked in time, so as not to long, affect the flowering. Peony branches more fragile, flowers, often too heavy flower head bending branches, a little strong wind is easy to be broken, so can be tied with thin bamboo support, so both to prevent breaking and increase beauty. After the flower is off, cut off the Pedicel, do not let it bear seeds, in order to keep the plant growing vigorously.