
How to manage peonies in summer

The peony characteristic is that it sprouts and shoots in spring, sleeps in summer, takes root in autumn, and deeply sleeps in winter, so summer care is very important, so that it can take better roots in autumn and more beautiful flowers will spring out in the coming year.

1.Proper shading
Although the peony like the sun, but it can not be direct sunlight, summer when the sun is strong and reasonable shade, otherwise the plant leaves will become yellow. Potted it can be placed on the balcony of the east, if it is placed on the balcony of the south should also take shading measures.

2. Water it properly
Summer to the peony flower watering can be based on the situation 5-7 days once, to avoid noon, the best in the morning or evening watering. In the process of conservation of soil in a moist state, basin soil can not be too dry and can not produce water.

3.Scientific Fertilization
In the flower after half a month should be applied a compound fertilizer, mainly phosphate fertilizer, but also can be applied a fermentation of farm manure. Pay attention to not too much fertilizer, do not give it fertilizer, it is very unfavorable to its growth.

4.Prevention and control of diseases
Summer high temperature is also very muggy, when the most susceptible diseases, common diseases are brown spot, gray mold, anthracnose and so on. The plant should be sprayed as soon as possible after it is found to be damaged. In the process of maintenance, to properly open the window ventilation, do not let the plant in the growth of too muggy environment.


Common diseases and insect pests of tree peony

In the growing process of tree peony and Paeonia lactiflora pall, insect damage will inevitably occur. The peony seedlings with diseases and insect pests often have leaves covered with disease spots or withered edges, branches are thin and weak, roots rot and become incomplete, and in serious cases, they even bloom or not, plant Growth and development slow, but also affect the quality and yield of Root Bark, if not timely control, will also affect other flowers. Therefore, in the cultivation and management of tree peony and Paeonia Lactiflora, it is necessary to know the occurrence regularity and control measures of their common diseases and insect
1. Gray mold
The disease has a short onset and is spread by wind, causing great harm.
(1) the symptom seedlings appeared Brown watermarked spots at the base, and the seedlings gradually withered and fell down. Infected Leaves Produce Brown, purple-brown water spots, sometimes with irregular whorls, to the tip and leaf margin more. The gray mould layer in the diseased part is a prominent feature of the disease. Botrytis cinerea is a fungal disease.
(2) conditions of onset
The persistent low temperature and humid climate are the main causes of the disease. Spring and the end of flowering period from June to July were the peak period of the disease. Plant clusters are large and dense, and too much nitrogen fertilizer is also susceptible to disease.
(3) prevention and control
Find and remove the diseased parts in time, pull out the diseased plants and destroy them in time, take care not to contaminate the healthy plants, and disinfect the tools that come into contact with the diseased plants in time.
2 In case of disease, chemical control can be carried out: 1% equivalent bordeaux mixture, 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000-fold solution, 65% ZNZ 500-fold solution or 50% ammonium chloride 1000-fold solution are sprayed once every 10-15 days and continuously 2-3 times.
3 strengthen cultivation management, arrange planting density reasonably, remove water in time after rain, and loosen soil to hoe. The newly purchased tree peony seedlings were soaked for 10 ~ 15 minutes in 65% 300-fold solution of daisenxin before continuous cropping was carried out in the serious disease area.
In autumn, the dead branches and leaves were removed, and the diseased buds and leaves were removed in time to reduce the source of infection.
Leaf spot disease
A. Erythema
Red Spot disease also known as leaf spot disease, peony disease less, mainly to harm the peony.
(1) pathogen cladosporium peony: Fungal Diseases.
(2) symptoms
Damage to the leaves, planting strip, flower, seed and other parts. The lesions appeared initially on the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves, Brown, Submycorrhizal, the edge of the lesions was not obvious, when severe, the leaves twisted, dry. Wet and rainy weather can be seen gray-green mold layer, stem and petiole spot long strip, Central Crack, disease department easy to break. When the disease spot on the flower organ is serious, the edge of the petal will be scorched.
(3) conditions of onset
In warm and rainy climate, the diseases will be caused or aggravated by the application of too much nitrogen fertilizer, the planting density is too high, which leads to poor ventilation or the retention of diseased plants. Peak season in spring and summer.
(4) prevention and control
1 clear the disease strain in time, spray 50% CARBENDAZIM 600 times solution or 3 Be sulfur mixture before germination in early spring to kill the plant and above-ground bacteria.
2 when peonies germinated in early spring, spreading thin film on the ground and pressing the edges with Earth pressure can prevent the spread of pathogens and accelerate the decomposition of disease residues.
3 after onset, 160-200 times equivalent Bordeaux mixture can be sprayed once every 10-15 days, or 50% carbendazim 1000 times, 65% thymosin 500-600 times, once every 7-10 days for 3-4 days.
4 strengthen the management of peony seedling cultivation, arrange planting density reasonably, apply nitrogen fertilizer properly, apply compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer more.
5 reduce the source of infection: Spray 3 Be sulfur mixture or 50% CARBENDAZIM 600 times solution in early spring. Autumn thoroughly remove the body of disease and disability.
Alternaria leaf spot
Also known as White Star disease, is a common tree peony disease.
(1) pathogens
(2) symptoms
The blades are the hardest hit. At the beginning of the leaves appear Pale yellow spots, gradually expanding into a round or nearly round spot, Brown, and visible whorls, scattered above a lot of small points of mold, to the central spot most dense. The lesions near the leaf margin and main vein were semicircular in shape. The whole leaf is scorched when the disease is serious.
(3) conditions of onset
Rainy and humid climate, low-lying and water-accumulating terrain, poor ventilation and light transmission, and high planting density are all suitable to cause the disease, which is the main leaf disease in the late growth period of peony. August to September is the peak period.
(4) prevention and control
1 Chemical Control in growing season: 1% lime equivalent bordeaux mixture, 50% triazolam 800-fold solution or 65% thymosin 500-fold solution were sprayed once in 10-15 days after onset and continuously for 1-2 months.
2 strengthen cultivation management, arrange planting density reasonably, and pay attention to ventilation and light transmission.
3 Prevention of disease and reduction of infection source: Spray 3 Be sulfur mixture or 50% CARBENDAZIM 600 times solution in early spring. Autumn thoroughly remove the body of disease and disability.
C. Ring Spot
Also known as leaf gray spot, peony, peony are harmful, but not as common as the first two, is a fungal disease.
(2) symptoms
A large round or nearly round spot may be formed on the leaf, the diameter of which may be more than 5 mm. There are obvious concentric rings, which are Grayish Brown, and many small black mould spots in the middle are arranged in a wheel shape.
(3) the conditions of disease and its prevention and control
Alternaria leaf spot of tree peony.
Anthracnose of peony
(1) pathogens
A type of anthrax: Fungi IMPERFECTI.
(2) symptoms
Leaf Blade, petiole and neck. After anthesis, a small brown spot appeared on the leaf surface, and gradually expanded, and was hemimycete-shaped, black-brown by the inhibition of leaf veins, to the late middle of the spot into white, Edge red-brown, and split, perforation, spot scattered on a lot of black spots, under moist conditions, the reddish-brown myxomycetes can be seen on the stems and petioles. The infected stems are often twisted, and if the tender stems become diseased, they will soon die. Bud Scales and petal damage often cause bud blight and flower deformity.
(3) conditions of onset
High temperature, rainy, dew, planting density is too large easy to cause the disease.
(4) prevention and control
1 CHEMICAL CONTROL IN GROWING SEASON: spraying 70% thiram 500 times solution, or 1% lime equivalent bordeaux solution, 65% THYSSEN ZINC 500 times solution, once every 10-15 days for 1-2 months.
2 Prevention of disease and reduction of infection source: Spray 3 Be sulfur mixture or 50% CARBENDAZIM 600 times solution in early spring. Autumn thoroughly remove the body of disease and disability.
Root Rot
(1) pathogens
It was mainly fusarium Solani, other fusarium species and Armillaria compound infection.
(2) symptoms
The symptoms of peony and Paeonia lactiflora in spring appear after leaf expansion. The growth of the above-ground part is weak, the leaves are green, yellow and red, and the branches and leaves die when it is serious, if not controlled in time, the whole plant will die. When digging out the diseased plants, the roots were usually black-brown and some of them decayed, and there were traces of Grub gnawing.
(3) conditions of onset
Field seeper and wet environment more disease, continuous cropping land is often a large number of disease. When the pest is serious underground, the wound on the root also makes the germ easy to infect. Tree Peony seedlings planting, with soil lump transplant is also prone to disease.
(4) prevention and control
1 to strengthen the control of GRUBS, Furadan or methyl-isulphos 3ー5 kg per mu were applied before the soil was turned over in autumn, when the GRUBS were turned over into the soil, the same medicament 3ー5 G was applied in the planting holes, the emergence of adult insects and the emergence of adult insects should be paid attention to the control of adult insects.
2 Peony seedlings were planted in the sun, then the bare roots were soaked in 600 ~ 800 times of wettable thiophanate-methyl and 1000 times of the mixture of isosalifon-methyl for 2 ~ 3 minutes before planting.
Downy leaf blight of tree peony
Commonly known as "Black Knot head disease" , is one of the more serious peony diseases, is a root disease.
(1) Pathogenic Basidiomycete Mulberry
(2) symptoms
When the onset, near the ground roots and roots covered with cotton-like purple or White Mycelium, the initial site of the victim was yellow-brown, later turned black. Old Roots Rot, no new roots, the above-ground branches thin, late germination, leaves become small, and finally from the top down dry and die.
(3) conditions of onset
It happens all the time, all the time. The rainy season in early summer is the peak period of the disease. The disease can also be caused by newly reclaimed land and low-lying wet land, or by improper application of raw and heavy fertilizers.
(4) prevention and control
13 ~ 4 years rotation, pay attention to choose loose soil, good drainage of dry terrain, apply fully decomposed farm manure, avoid direct foundation root fertilizer.
2 pull out the infected plant in time, also can scrape the rotten part with a knife and then use 4 ~ 5 Be mixture of stone sulfur or 1% copper sulfate to disinfect and plant, and disinfect the soil around the infected plant with lime or sulphur.
3 when peony seedlings were propagated by dividing plant in autumn, the roots were soaked in 1% copper sulfate for 3 H or 0.5 H in lime water. Rinse with water and plant.
4 at the beginning of the disease, the roots were watered with 5% ZINCON 1000 times liquid, 500ー1000 ml per plant, and then covered with soil


For the summer pest control of tree peonies

tree Peony is the national flower of our country, noble and elegant, known as the "National Color Tianxiang" , "rich and noble flowers" , "King of flowers" laudatory name, has been loved. Peony is very delicate, spring out of moving flowers, different colors, is really beautiful to the extreme! Early in the morning of May, a few crystal dew quietly lying on the leaves, Lazily Bask in the sun, was the wind, the dew from the leaves slipped down, scattered on the ground.

May is the beginning of summer, the weather is more hot, seems to be suffocation with a stream of heat, such as beads of sweat across the cheeks, soaked the neck. At this time, the peony blooms more beautiful, it is charming and beautiful, fragrant, but often this hot hot season peony is the most vulnerable to insects, the scorching temperature is the most frequent activity of the season pests, summer high temperature and high humidity, tree Peony Diseases and pests are serious, mainly leaf diseases and food pests. Summer if you want to see the color and fragrance of the peony should be well maintained, do not let pests invade your peony. The following is the peony pest control methods, for reference.

1, Spraying leaf protective agent:
about two weeks after flowering, leaf surface spraying 0.5% of lime equivalent amount of Bordeaux liquid, to prevent the invasion of bacteria leaves. The general effect can last about two weeks, continuous spray 2 times. The dosage is about 100 kg per mu.
2. Fungicides:
In August, the fungicides such as tobrazine, Carbendazim, chlorothalonil and Triadimefon were sprayed 3 times, which was once every 10 days.
3, Insecticidal:
 Can Combine to spray fungicide, in the liquid add insecticide such as pyrethroid insecticide, Omethoate, etc. , to control eating pests.


How to distinguish tree peony from herbaceous peony

The tree peony and the herbaceous peony have already blossomed and have entered the dormant period, but many flower friends are always confused about the tree peony and the herbaceous peony. Many people mistake the herbaceous peony for the tree peony, below we will learn the differences between the two plants in several ways with the specification
Tree Peony and herbaceous peony flowering is very similar, just look at the flower is difficult to distinguish tree peony or herbaceous peony, but if we look at the leaves and branches that it is very easy to distinguish.
The difference between tree Peony and herbaceous Peony
1. Twigs are different
Tree Peony flowers are woody flowers, what is woody branches like branches, lignified, and herbaceous peony is herbaceous flowers, herbaceous flowers are not like wood branches of lignified branches.
So we can tell the difference by looking at the branches of tree peony and herbaceous peony.
As can be seen in the picture above, the branches of the tree peony are relatively hard and thick, woody. The branches of Paeonia Lactiflora Pall. This is relatively fine, there is no obvious trunk.
2, leaves different
in addition to branches can be identified, through the observation of leaves can also be identified tree peony and herbaceous peony.
As can be seen above, the tree peony leaves are like duck feet, with a split at the Front 1 / 3, while the herbaceous peony leaves are completely split like chicken feet.
This point is easy to distinguish, when you see the leaves long more like a duck’s paw, then it is tree peony, if the leaves long like chicken feet, it is herbaceous peony.
3. Winter is different
Tree Peony is a deciduous Shrub, and herbaceous peony is perennial flowers, so in the autumn and winter season, tree peony and herbaceous peony state is completely different.
After the fall and winter peony leaves, it is a bare pole, like the picture below.
In autumn and winter, the above ground part of the tree peony will wither, not see branches at all, sometimes near the surface of the soil will see red buds, these buds will grow in spring, flowering.

4. Florescence is different
Tree Peony and herbaceous peony flowering period is also different, relatively speaking, tree peony flowering earlier, in March or April, and herbaceous peony flowering is much later, only in May or June.